Examples of Center boundary in a sentence
Please indicate (Yes or No) if the proposed project is located within an approved Priority Development Area (PDA), Rural Investment Area (RIA), or Employment Center boundary.
This Plan embraces the Center concept, and anticipates that planning to fully develop all components in its support will occur after approval by the Highlands Council of the municipality’s Petition for Plan Conformance.The preliminarily proposed Center boundary lines encompass approximately 743 acres, and include only Planning Area lands which are served by public water and sewer utilities.
The municipality provided a response on June 22, 2011, indicating that the Borough confirms the Industrial Zone area north of Route 78 including the quarry and Block 98 Lot 2, as well as the surrounding residential area, as the agreed Highlands Center boundary for a portion of the Planning Area at this point in time.
The filed route would include at least one waypoint for each crossing of an Air Route Traffic Control Center boundary.
Related to a carryover docket item requesting a comprehensive plan amendment for an expansion of the Overlake mixed-use land use designation and the Overlake Urban Center boundary.
Pursuant to TRPA Code, Subsection 13.5.3.F, the site is eligible for inclusion in a Town Center boundary because it is an undeveloped parcel with at least three sides adjacent to developed parcels; is less than ¼ mile from existing commercial and public services; and is near existing transit services.
Where the Growth Center boundary divides a lot which existed prior to 10/22/01 (first Growth Center Overlay), the entire lot will be treated as if it is wholly situated in the Growth Center.
Williston shall prepare and submit the final Growth Center boundary map reflecting the decision of the Board toinclude the Southwest section as discussed in the Introduction of this document.
Since Gateway could benefit from the development of additional community parks and centers, community gardens, and pools to the north, south, and east of the Regional Center boundary, it may be appropriate for Gateway to participate in funding any future facilities in these areas.
ZME has control for turns and descent within 15NM of the Center boundary.