PHYSICAL FEATURES. A. Attractive, well designed, overall appearance X. Xxxxxxx, cover, paper durable
PHYSICAL FEATURES. (a) Height: (b) Weight: (c) Blood Type:
PHYSICAL FEATURESThe area is characterized by the undulating, densely-forested terrain, typical of the Black Hills region. The landscape is dominated by broad ridge tips, narrow valleys, and the steep-walled canyon associated with Rapid Creek. This canyon is oriented generally west to east. Ponderosa pine represents the dominant cover type on NFS land. Quaking aspen, bur oak, paper birch, and grass are also present as cover types. Several sensitive species are documented in the project area including birds, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, and plants. The project area includes at least one grazing allotment (Silver City Allotment). Cattle are generally in the area between June and October. Hunting, hiking, and driving are popular uses of the area. The project area has a comprehensive network of National Forest System roads and motorized trails.
PHYSICAL FEATURES. The petitioner describes the ancient Lake Idaho as the physical focus and an important distinguishing feature of the proposed Snake River Valley viticultural area. Elevation: Low elevation, between
PHYSICAL FEATURES. (a)Height: □Any (b)Weight: □Any □tall □plump □average □average □short □slim


  • Physical File Characteristics 6.2.1 The Optional Daily Usage File will be distributed to Comcast Phone via an agreed medium with CONNECT:Direct being the preferred transport method. The ODUF feed will be a variable block format (2476) with an LRECL of 2472. The data on the ODUF feed will be in a non-compacted EMI format (175 byte format plus modules). It will be created on a daily basis (Monday through Friday except holidays). Details such as dataset name and delivery schedule will be addressed during negotiations of the distribution medium. There will be a maximum of one dataset per workday per OCN. 6.2.2 Data circuits (private line or dial-up) will be required between BellSouth and Comcast Phone for the purpose of data transmission. Where a dedicated line is required, Comcast Phone will be responsible for ordering the circuit, overseeing its installation and coordinating the installation with BellSouth. Comcast Phone will also be responsible for any charges associated with this line. Equipment required on the BellSouth end to attach the line to the mainframe computer and to transmit successfully ongoing will be negotiated on an individual case basis. Where a dial-up facility is required, dial circuits will be installed in the BellSouth data center by BellSouth and the associated charges assessed to Comcast Phone. Additionally, all message toll charges associated with the use of the dial circuit by Comcast Phone will be the responsibility of Comcast Phone. Associated equipment on the BellSouth end, including a modem, will be negotiated on an individual case basis between the Parties. All equipment, including modems and software, that is required on Comcast Phone end for the purpose of data transmission will be the responsibility of Comcast Phone.

  • ODUF Physical File Characteristics 6.2.1 ODUF will be distributed to TWTC via Secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The ODUF feed will be a variable block format. The data on the ODUF feed will be in a non-compacted EMI format (175 byte format plus modules). It will be created on a daily basis Monday through Friday except holidays. Details such as dataset name and delivery schedule will be addressed during negotiations of the distribution medium. There will be a maximum of one dataset per workday per OCN. If AT&T determines the Secure FTP Mailbox is nearing capacity levels, AT&T may move the customer to CONNECT: Direct file delivery. 6.2.2 If the customer is moved, CONNECT: Direct data circuits (private line or dial-up) will be required between AT&T and TWTC for the purpose of data transmission. Where a dedicated line is required, TWTC will be responsible for ordering the circuit, overseeing its installation and coordinating the installation with AT&T. TWTC will also be responsible for any charges associated with this line. Equipment required on the AT&T end to attach the line to the mainframe computer and to transmit messages successfully on an ongoing basis will be negotiated on an individual case basis. Any costs incurred for such equipment will be TWTC's responsibility. Where a dial-up facility is required, dial circuits will be installed in the AT&T data center by AT&T and the associated charges assessed to TWTC. Additionally, all message toll charges associated with the use of the dial circuit by TWTC will be the responsibility of TWTC. Associated equipment on the AT&T end, including a modem, will be negotiated on an individual case basis between the Parties. All equipment, including modems and software, that is required on TWTC end for the purpose of data transmission will be the responsibility of TWTC. 6.2.3 If TWTC utilizes FTP for data file transmission, purchase of the FTP software will be the responsibility of TWTC.

  • Physical Fitness New Employees. New employees are required to file a medical examination report with the Director of Health Services before reporting for duty in the Des Moines schools. The employee must pay the cost of this examination given by a physician of his/her choice and reported on the form provided by the Employer.

  • Physical Exams The Employer agrees to provide without cost to employees, physical examinations and/or other appropriate tests when such tests are deemed necessary by management to determine whether the health of employees is being or has been adversely affected by exposure to potentially harmful physical agents, toxic materials, or infectious agents, or by attacks and assaults. The Employer agrees to provide to each affected employee who requests it a complete and accurate written report of any such medical examination or other appropriate tests related to occupational exposure. Additionally, written results of an industrial hygiene measurements or investigations related to an employee's occupational exposure will also be provided, upon request, to the employee or the employee's authorized representative. The Union and/or members of the applicable Health and Safety Committee will be provided copies of summary reports, but such reports will not contain personally identifying information.

  • Physical Access Control Unauthorized persons are prevented from gaining physical access to premises, buildings or rooms where data processing systems that process and/or use Personal Data are located.

  • Technical Feasibility of String While ICANN has encouraged and will continue to encourage universal acceptance of all top-­‐level domain strings across the Internet, certain top-­‐level domain strings may encounter difficulty in acceptance by ISPs and webhosters and/or validation by web applications. Registry Operator shall be responsible for ensuring to its satisfaction the technical feasibility of the TLD string prior to entering into this Agreement.

  • Components Patheon will purchase and test all Components (with the exception of Client-Supplied Components) at Patheon’s expense and as required by the Specifications.

  • Contract Database Metadata Elements Title: Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Central School District and Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Teachers Association (2007)

  • Physical Inventories (a) Cause not less than two physical inventories to be undertaken, at the expense of the Loan Parties, in each Fiscal Year and periodic cycle counts, in each case consistent with past practices, conducted by such inventory takers as are reasonably satisfactory to the Collateral Agent and following such methodology as is consistent with the methodology used in the immediately preceding inventory or as otherwise may be reasonably satisfactory to the Collateral Agent. The Collateral Agent, at the expense of the Loan Parties, may participate in and/or observe each scheduled physical count of Inventory which is undertaken on behalf of any Loan Party. The Lead Borrower, within 30 days following the completion of such inventory, shall provide the Collateral Agent with a reconciliation of the results of such inventory (as well as of any other physical inventory or cycle counts undertaken by a Loan Party) and shall post such results to the Loan Parties’ stock ledgers and general ledgers, as applicable. (b) Permit the Collateral Agent, in its Permitted Discretion, if any Event of Default exists, to cause additional such inventories to be taken as the Collateral Agent determines (each, at the expense of the Loan Parties).

  • Authoritative Root Database To the extent that ICANN is authorized to set policy with regard to an authoritative root server system (the “Authoritative Root Server System”), ICANN shall use commercially reasonable efforts to (a) ensure that the authoritative root will point to the top-­‐level domain nameservers designated by Registry Operator for the TLD, (b) maintain a stable, secure, and authoritative publicly available database of relevant information about the TLD, in accordance with ICANN publicly available policies and procedures, and (c) coordinate the Authoritative Root Server System so that it is operated and maintained in a stable and secure manner; provided, that ICANN shall not be in breach of this Agreement and ICANN shall have no liability in the event that any third party (including any governmental entity or internet service provider) blocks or restricts access to the TLD in any jurisdiction.