Examples of Certifying agent in a sentence
Non-compliance Procedure for Certifying agent SourcesUSDA National Organic Program Final Rule (NOP)Marin Organic Certified Agriculture (MOCA) Certification Program San Francisco Department of the EnvironmentAlbert Greene, National Capitol Region IPM ProgramAlbert Greene: Guidelines for Structural Pest Control Operations for Federal buildings operated by theU.S. General Services Administration, National Capital Region University of California Statewide IPM ProjectAPPENDIX A.
If applicable, Please list name of previous or current organic certifying agent, year(s) of application, standard and result of application) 請列出先前或現在申請的有機驗證機構名稱、申請年份、標準和驗證結果。 ☐ Not applicable 不適用 Standards 標準Taiwan 台灣NOP 美國EU 歐盟Others 其它 Certifying agent 驗證機構 Years 年份 Status 結果 6.
The individuals with Slovenian citizenship as well as foreigners were included in the sampling frame.
Certifying agent acronyms will be provided by the NOP to each accredited certifying agent authorized by USDA to issue export certificates.