Examples of CFD Act in a sentence
All CFDs will be formed and administered to achieve the Funding Goals and in accordance with the CFD Act and the CFD Goals.
The total projected taxes levied for a CFD must not exceed any maximum specified in the CFD Act.
Under the CFD Act, Maintenance Special Taxes cannot finance Qualified Project Costs or Additional Community Facilities or be pledged or used to pay CFD Bonds.
A CFD may finance only Qualified Project Costs, Additional Community Facilities, and Ongoing Park Maintenance that: (a) are financeable under the CFD Act; and (b) qualify under Tax Laws, if CFD Bonds are issued and if CFD Bonds are issued as tax-exempt bonds.
In addition, Developer and City may agree to identify property for future annexation and additional public capital facilities for the Project to be financed under the CFD Act in the CFD formation documents.