Examples of Challenge Brief in a sentence
For the purposes of this Challenge Brief, the following terms, abbreviations and definitions apply.
Providers are expected to treat the Challenge Brief document as a key part of the procurement process – this means following all relevant procurement best practices and legislation, including being compliant with the Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directive, including the Supply Chain Code of Ethics.
Other exegeses like Al-Ṭabarī (2001), Al-Zamakhsharī (2009), Al-Qurṭubī (2006), Al-Mahallī and Al- Suyyutī (2003), Al-Alusī (1995) and Ibn Kathīr (1999) are also consulted because they are regarded as the most prominent exegeses of the Holy Qur'ān as maintained by (Abdul-Raof, 2001).
If the orad ends up south of Beecher, we will need a western bypass of Route #1.
An Introduction to Heritage Sciences - World Art Histories and Heritage in the 21st Century: a Global Challenge Brief Introduction This course follows an introductory survey of World Art Histories in relation to Museology and Heritage preservation issues as rose in western culture in the 21st century combining the idea of globalization with that of local considerations.
Sarasota County Goal 1.2The percent of children adopted within 12 months of becoming legally free for adoption will increase from the fiscal year 2008-09 rate of 48 percent to 75 percent by 30 June 2015.
Based upon the needs developed in depth and presented in section 3 of this Challenge Brief a second global analysis of the technology enhanced learning market has been performed.
The insights provided by the in-depth interviews allow concluding that pop-up stores are effective only with mid-market products.
The Contractor shall provide the R&D services (tasks, deliverables and milestones) to develop solutions to tackle the Challenge Brief set out in the Request for Tender and the Specific Contracts applied to each of the defined phases.
V-Con procurements documents Invitation to Tender, ITT PCP Process Q&A V-Con Agreement Challenge Brief Business Specification Technical Specification Figure 1: Document structure for the V-Con Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) process 1.3 Structure of the Challenge BriefChapter 3 describes the general context for European road authorities from the perspective of information management, the specific Rijkswaterstaat context, the specific Trafikverket context and finally their integration in the V-Con context.