Examples of Checking in a sentence
Checking "No" means that you did the work without receiving any financial support from any third party -- that is, the work was supported by funds from the same institution that pays your salary and that institution did not receive third-party funds with which to pay you.
Checking the box below shall mean that the resultant contract is subject to the Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices clause in lieu of the Cost Accounting Standards clause.
They do this by (a) Checking the Excluded Parties List System, (b) Collecting a certification from that person, or (c) Adding a clause or condition to the contract or subcontract.
Note: Checking this box and writing "applied for" on the form means that such holder has already applied for a TIN or that such holder intends to apply for one in the near future.
Checking Account Savings Account Financial institution account number Financial institution routing number Note: DO NOT USE A CREDIT CARD.