Chemical agents definition

Chemical agents means tear gas or any other certifiable non-lethal chemical agents used for the intent to restrain and control unruly or combative subjects for the purposes of safety to the security officer and the public.
Chemical agents means those ele- ments, compounds, or mixtures that coagulate, disperse, dissolve, emulsify, foam, neutralize, precipitate, reduce, solubilize, oxidize, concentrate, con- geal, entrap, fix, make the pollutant mass more rigid or viscous, or other- wise facilitate the mitigation of delete- rious effects or removal of the pollut- ant from the water. The term ‘‘chem- ical agents’’ as used in this part in- cludes dispersants, surface collecting agents, biological additives, burning agents, and sinking agents as defined in Subpart H of the National Contin- gency Plan.
Chemical agents means those elements, compounds or mixtures that coagulate, disperse, dissolve, emulsify, foam, neutralize, precipitate, reduce, solubilize, oxidize, concentrate, congeal, entrap, fix, make the pollutant mass more rigid or viscous, or otherwise facilitate the mitigation of deleterious effects or removal of the pollutant from the water.

Examples of Chemical agents in a sentence

  • Chemical agents that are sensitizers present special problems in the workplace.

  • Chemical agents are intended to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate people through physiological effects.

  • Chemical agents can also be used to prevent an armed suspect from accurately firing at citizens and/or officers.

  • Parameters• sock (socket) – a socket or socket-like object to create the session over.• default_window_size (int) – sets the default window size on the transport.

  • Exposure Limit Values to Chemical Substances at Work, Code of Well-being at work, Book VI, Title 1 - Chemical agents, as amendedComponents TypeValueForm Quartz (CAS 14808-60-7) TWA 0,1 mg/m3 Respirable dust.Bulgaria.

More Definitions of Chemical agents

Chemical agents means any chemical that can rapidly produce sensory irritation or disabling physical effects in humans, which disappear within a short time following termination of exposure. For purposes of this section, the term includes, but is not limited to, chloroacetophenone tear gas, commonly known as CN tear gas; 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile gas, commonly known as CS gas; and items commonly referred to as pepper balls, pepper spray, or oleoresin capsicum.
Chemical agents means those elements, compounds, or mixtures that coagulate, disperse, dissolve, emulsify, foam, neutralize, precipitate, reduce, solubilize, oxidize, concentrate, congeal, entrap, fix, make the
Chemical agents means those elements, compounds, or mixtures that coagulate, disperse, dissolve, emulsify, foam, neutralize, precipitate, reduce, solubilize, oxidize, concentrate, congeal, entrap, fix, make the pollutant mass more rigid or viscous, or otherwise facilitate the mitigation of deleterious effects or removal of the pollutant from the water. The term “chemical agents” as used in this part includes dispersants, surface collecting agents, biological additives, burning agents, and sinking agents as defined in Subpart H of the National Contingency Plan.
Chemical agents means chloroacetophenone tear gas (commonly known as CN tear gas), 2-
Chemical agents means a chemical substance
Chemical agents means a chemical substance that induces pain to control, restrain, or incapacitate a person.
Chemical agents means a chemical substance that induces pain to control,