Claims data definition

Claims data means the data required by RCW 43.371.030 to be
Claims data means the data required by RCW 43.371.030 to be submitted to the database, including billed, allowed and paid amounts, and such additional information as defined by the director in rule.
Claims data means information included in an institutional, professional, or pharmacy claim or equivalent information transaction for a covered individual, including the amount paid to a provider of healthcare services plus any amount owed by the covered individual;

Examples of Claims data in a sentence

  • Claims data was grouped into triangles by accident year or quarter and payment year or quarter.

  • To facilitate this process the Contractor shall supply data, including but not limited to Claims data and Medical Records, to the EQRO.

  • Risk adjustment uses information on an Enrollee’s medical conditions, as reported in Claims data, and other factors to predict health care costs and adjust payments to MCOs. Risk adjustment helps ensure payments to MCOs are more equitable and mitigates the impact of selection bias, thus protecting MCO solvency and reducing incentives for plans to avoid high-risk individuals.

  • Members identified through Claims data, receive letters regarding the availability of Generic Drugs, the safety and efficacy of Generic Drugs and cost savings associated with the use of Generic Drugs.

  • Your Supplement to Original Medicare benefits will automatically be paid through Anthem Blue Cross' Claim-Free process, which makes it possible for Anthem Blue Cross to electronically obtain Medicare Claims data directly from those Medicare claims processors.

More Definitions of Claims data

Claims data means information included in an
Claims data means such information about a Claim as may be
Claims data means Required Claims Data and any additional health care information that a voluntary reporting entity elects, through entry into an appropriate Data Submission and Use Agreement, to submit to the Delaware Health Care Claims Database.
Claims data means the data required by RCW 43.371.030 to be submitted to the database, including billed, allowed and paid amounts, and such additional information as defined by the director in rule. (("Claims data" includes: (a) Claims data related to health care coverage and services funded, in whole or in part, in the omnibus appropriations act, including coverage and services funded by appropriated and nonappropriated state and federal moneys, for medicaid programs and the public employees benefits board program; and (b) claims data voluntarily provided by other data suppliers, including carriers and self-funded employers.))
Claims data means any information shared between the Parties relating to a claim on an insurance policy and any claims records, claims estimates or reserves;
Claims data means the data required by section 10 of this act
Claims data means the data required by section 11 of this act