Examples of Class B Exchange in a sentence
The action led to an order for compliance with technical standards in the fire-extinguishing system and rectification orders for 12 deficiencies including in the Stand Roller, the mooring equipment, the statutory certificate, the weather-tight condition and the ISM code.
As a result of the contribution of the additional net sales to the Royalty Pool, the Class B Exchange Multiplier increased fractionally by 80% of the total adjustment or 0.043746; the new Class B Multiplier is 1.789264.
Participants• Principal Investigator (PI):o Xiaoping Yun, xyun@nps.edu• Co-PIs:James Calusdian, jcalusdi@nps.edu• Student:Matthew G.
As a result of the adjustments, the new Class B Exchange Multiplier is 1.796297 and Class B Units can be exchanged for 4,505,541 shares, which is an increase of 17,641 shares, effective January 1, 2015.
IssuedOn March 23, 2015, the Company issued 2,800,000 common shares through a private placement by Pizza Pizza Limited as part of the conversion of 1,564,889 Class B Partnership Units, equivalent to 2,800,000 common shares of the Company when applied against the Class B Exchange Multiplier.
The second adjustment to the Class B Exchange Multiplier will be adjusted to be effective January 1, 2017, once the actual performance of the new restaurants is determined in early 2018.
Outstanding Shares In exchange for adding the forecasted Pizza Pizza system sales to the Royalty Pool, PPL has received 178,183 additional equivalent Shares (through the change to the Class B Exchange Multiplier).
As a result of the contribution of the additional net sales to the Royalty Pool, the Class B Exchange Multiplier increased fractionally by 80% of the total adjustment or 0.021529; the new Class B Multiplier is 1.817826.
A holder of Mittal Steel class B common shares received one newly-issued ArcelorMittal share for every one Mittal Steel class B common share, which is referred to as the Class B Exchange Ratio.
As a result of the adjustments, the new Class B Exchange Multiplier is 1.819988 and Class B Units can be exchanged for 4,564,964 shares, which is an increase of 5,422 shares, effective January 1, 2016.