Examples of Classification guide in a sentence
Attached you will find CDOT’s Architect/Engineer Firms Standard Job Classification guide that will assist you with your new task of matching your firm’s job classifications with CDOT’s Standard Job Classifications.
Broadbanding of positions and advancement within the Institute will be conducted using the Performance Feedback Scheme and Australian Public Service Classification guide.
Requests for the Security Classification guide should include, at a minimum, the company name and address; POC name, phone number and email address; Facility Security Officer (FSO) name, phone number, and e-mail address; and Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code.
References Classification guide: 2.2.3 Vulnerability: 2.2.4 ICS guide: BP09, BP02, 2.2.1 Healthy Network guide: Rules 1 and 2 ISO 27002: 8.1.1 Class 1 [R.7] The following maps should be prepared: • physical map of the ICS; • logical map of the ICS; • application map (flows).
References Classification guide: 2.2.10 Vulnerability: 2.2.9 ICS guide: BP02 Healthy Network guide: Rules 21, 25 and 29 ISO 27002: 13.1.3 Class 1 [R.148] ICSs should be divided into consistent functional or technical zones.
References Classification guide: 2.2.7 Vulnerability: 2.2.15 ICS guide: 2.2.7 Healthy Network guide: Rule 36 ISO 27002: 17.1 [R.111] A back-up plan for sensitive data should be implemented to enable the ICS to be rebuilt after loss (see 3.1.4). [R.112] The BRP and BCP should include cybersecurity incidents.
References Classification guide: 2.2.2 ICS guide: 2.2.2 ISO 27002: ISO 27005 Note Risk analysis for ICS cybersecurity should be integrated into the overall system risk analysis, which can handle aspects such as safety.
The development of a standard equipment stockpile properly managed and prepared for air deployability and self- sustaining operations in accordance with the HUSAR Classification guide was defined as a second priority.Equal importance was given to the conduct of critical training in technical skills and vital joint operations with other HUSAR teams along with adherence to applicable Canadian national guidelines or standards.
Classification guide means a document issued by an authorized original classifier that identifies the elements of information regarding a specific subject that must be classified and prescribes the level and duration of classification and appropriatedeclassification instructions.
To this end, the Contractor will need to ensure that a Security Assets Inventory is maintained in compliance with the Project Specific Security Classification guide (to be made available in Phase II of the procurement procedure, as explained in the Tender Specifications) to determine traceability on the security classification of the various elements of the contract, for the whole duration of the contract.