Examples of Clearing Membership Agreement in a sentence
A Member’s clearing member status of the Clearing House shall be governed by these Regulations, the Procedures and any Clearing Membership Agreement to which he is for the time being party.
The terms and conditions binding on each FCM Clearing Member are set out in the FCM Rulebook (which includes these FCM Procedures), the FCM Clearing Membership Agreement, the FCM Default Management Process Agreement and the FCM Default Fund Agreement, each as amended from time to time.
In addition to the waiver of challenge on the basis of joinder set out in clause 8.5 of the Clearing Membership Agreement, each Clearing Member and the Clearing House hereby irrevocably waives any right to challenge any award or order of any tribunal appointed under the Clearing Membership Agreement by reason of the fact that it arises from a consolidated arbitration.
The relevant criteria are without prejudice to the provisions of the FCM Clearing Membership Agreement and the FCM Default Fund Agreement which must be executed by the applicant, and must equally be met by FCM Clearing Members.
Two copies of the FCM Clearing Membership Agreement and the FCM Default Fund Agreement will be provided to the applicant who must sign both copies of each (but not date them) and return them to the Clearing House's Membership Department along with the application documentation.