Examples of Closing Order in a sentence
Persons living in an unfit dwelling which is the subject of either a Demolition Order or a Closing Order made under Section 66 of the Housing Act, 1966.
Every motorcycle which takes part in a competition on a public road, other than when a road is closed to traffic by virtue of a Road Closing Order, shall comply with all legal requirements.
In a surprising turn of events, the Defense ended the week by pleading ‘not guilty’ to all the charges Duch faced under the Closing Order.
Note that the Closing Order should also be read in conjunction with the Pre-trial Chamber’s decision following an appeal from the order as lodged by the Prosecution.
This will be especially important in a trial with a higher degree of complexity than Case 001, where there is only one Accused who is not contesting the majority of the allegations in the Closing Order.