Examples of Closure and Reclamation Plan in a sentence
Include your Closure and Reclamation Plan in your Application Package, if applicable, or for small-scale projects, describe the proposed activities in the grey field provided below.
Please use the grey field below to provide or reference the following information: Closure and Reclamation Plan: Describe your plans for closure and reclamation, including any temporary closure(s) and seasonal shutdowns.
Use the grey field below to provide or reference the following information: Closure and Reclamation Plan: Include a Closure and Reclamation Plan in the Application Package, if applicable, or for small-scale projects, describe the proposed closure and reclamation activities in the grey field provided below.
The objective of the Report is to determine whether North Inlet Water Treatment Plant sludge should be disposed in an alternative location in order to meet the Closure Objectives in the approved Closure and Reclamation Plan.
The Licensee shall submit a revised Closure and Reclamation Plan upon request of the Board.
Prior to December 31 of each year, the Licensee shall submit an Annual Closure and Reclamation Plan Progress Report.
Updates to the Closure and Reclamation Plan shall be in accordance with the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada’s Guidelines for the Closure and Reclamation of Advanced Mineral Exploration and Mine Sites in the Northwest Territories.
Source/Date: Interim Meeting, PCS Track comment, 1/27-28/97Deferred from D1.
In DDMI’s view, the specific terms and conditions that will define the monitoring plans related to water quality in pit lake(s) should be established by the WLWB through the review of the Water Licence Amendment for the Processed Kimberlite to Mine Workings and the specific monitoring plans should be established through updates, reviews and approvals to Diavik’s Closure and Reclamation Plan and AEMP Design Plan.
The Licensee shall operate in accordance with the Closure and Reclamation Plan approved by the Board and shall endeavor to carry out progressive Reclamation of areas as soon as is reasonably practicable.2. The Licensee shall revise the Closure and Reclamation Plan as directed by the Board and submit the revised Plan to the Board for approval.