Code of Conduct Policy definition
Examples of Code of Conduct Policy in a sentence
Board members will abide by the Commission’s Neighborhood Council Board Member Code of Conduct Policy.
The Code of Conduct is outlined in the BCH Code of Conduct Policy.
Employees can report to the Management concerned unethical behaviour, act or suspected fraud or violation of the Company’s Code of Conduct Policy.
The school provides a set of guidelines for security and acceptable use, and violations of these guidelines will be handled in accordance with the Technology Use and Internet Safety Policy and Student Code of Conduct Policy contained in the Parent and Student Handbook.
When the Contractor is working under provisions of this contract at facilities controlled by State agencies or other UGUs, Contractor agrees to follow and enforce the Code of Conduct Policy of these entities.
MACDONNELL COUNCIL CODE OF CONDUCT ITEM NUMBER 4.1TITLE MacDonnell Council Code of Conduct EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:This report contains all of the details about the MacDonnell Council Code of Conduct Policy.
Student Code of Conduct: Policy 10.4Classroom behavior should not interfere with the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or the ability of other students to learn from the instructional program.
MACDONNELL COUNCIL CODE OF CONDUCTITEM NUMBER 4.1TITLE MacDonnell Council Code of Conduct EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:This report contains all of the details about the MacDonnell Council Code of Conduct Policy.
ISSUES/OPTIONS/CONSEQUENCES The Code of Conduct Policy helps Council to ensure that the:• MacDonnell Regional Council (MRC) exercises strong and accountable governance;• constituents of MRC are aware of the behaviours they can expect from members.
Parents and students should carefully review the University Charter School Student Code of Conduct Policy.