College Housing definition
Examples of College Housing in a sentence
CL has the discretion to require that I Check out within 24 hours of said notification unless CL provides me with written permission to remain in College Housing.
If the College determines that I have provided untrue, incomplete or inaccurate information, the College will have a basis to declare me in breach of this Agreement, take disciplinary action against me, and/or require that I Check out of College Housing immediately.
I have not been dismissed from any College Housing facility nor has the College ever terminated my agreement, contract or lease, or filed an eviction or unlawful detainer action against me for any College Housing facility.
I will refrain from engaging in sports activities and/or using recreational equipment including, but not limited to, bicycles, skates, skateboards, drones, balls, Nerf guns and Frisbees within all College Housing buildings including, but not limited to, Rooms, Common Areas, lounges, laundry rooms, terraces, decks, bathrooms, hallways, stairwells and dining areas.
I will not use my Roommate’s possessions or their personal or College Housing provided furniture without their prior consent.
I acknowledge that the Community Standards apply to me not only when I am in the building in which my Room is assigned but also while I am on any College Housing premises, which includes, but is not limited to, Common Areas, community centers, entry areas, hallways, parking areas, courtyards, terraces, decks, grounds, elevators, stairwells, playfields and dining facilities.
I will provide the College with any information it requests related to my offense(s) in order for the College to make a determination of my eligibility to reside in College Housing based on the best interests of the College.
My failure to comply with any term of this Agreement shall be grounds for the College to declare me in breach of this Agreement and require that I Check out of College Housing, and may result in other action against me by the College including, but not limited to, disciplinary action, termination of this Agreement, future ineligibility to reside in College Housing, and collection of outstanding debt and recovery of collection agency fees as stated in Section XIV.L.
Even if I am given written permission to remain in College Housing, CL retains the ability to change that determination and require I Check out as additional information is obtained.
I will not make any repairs or alterations to any College Housing premises.