Commercial Tribunal definition
Examples of Commercial Tribunal in a sentence
They meet at least once a year, within six (6) months of the end of each financial year, to rule on the accounts for this financial year, unless this period of time is extended by order of the President of the Commercial Tribunal ruling at the Board of Directors’ request.
On expiry of the term established in the articles or in the event of advance dissolution for any reason whatsoever, the General Meeting or, where applicable, the Commercial Tribunal, shall decide on the mode of liquidation, appoint the liquidator(s) and establish their powers, all within the limits and conditions and subject to the publication and other obligations specified by legislation in force.
Co-owners of undivided shares shall be represented at the General Meeting by one of their number or by a single agent who, in the event of dispute, shall be designated by the presiding magistrate of the Commercial Tribunal in a ruling following summary proceedings at the request of the most diligent co-owner.
If this petition is upheld, the Statutory Auditor designated thereby may not be dismissed before the normal expiry of their mission, except by the presiding magistrate of the Commercial Tribunal.
Should the Board fail to proceed with the required temporary appointments or, in the event of temporary appointments, fail to convene the General Meeting in order to ratify these, any interested party may petition the presiding magistrate of the Commercial Tribunal with jurisdiction covering the location of the registered head office to appoint an agent responsible for convening the General Meeting, either to carry out the required appointments or to ratify the provisional appointments made.
If the Meeting fails to elect an Auditor, any shareholder may petition the presiding magistrate of the Commercial Tribunal with jurisdiction for the registered head office, in a ruling following summary proceedings, and the duly summonsed Chairman of the Management Board, to appoint a Statutory Auditor; the mandate granted in this way shall end once the General Meeting has appointed the Auditor(s).
In its ruling handed down on 28th April 2009, the Commercial Tribunal in Brussels found in favour of Montea.
Except as provided for in Section 14 above, the Company and the Employee agree that any claim, dispute, controversy or the like (collectively, the “Dispute”) arising out of or relating to this Agreement (including the Exhibits annexed hereto), including, without limitation, its validity or a breach thereof, shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Commercial Tribunal of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”).
Except as provided for in Paragraph 28 above, the Company and the Employee agree that any claim, dispute, controversy or the like (collectively, the “Dispute”) arising out of or relating to this Agreement (including the Exhibit annexed hereto), including, without limitation, its validity or a breach thereof, shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Commercial Tribunal of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”).
More importantly, the Royal Government will establish special courts as needed, such as the Commercial Tribunal, the Juvenile Tribunal, the Labor Tribunal and the Administrative Tribunal.