Examples of Commitment Confirmation in a sentence
DBE Commitment Confirmation must be signed by the Prime Contractor, the Subcontractor and the DBE firm.
The Best Efforts Delivery Commitment expiration date is specified on the Best Efforts Delivery Commitment Confirmation.
For anticipated DBE or ESB participation applicable to future Contract Years that has not been reported in a Utilization Plan or Commitment Confirmation, the dollar value of such estimated Work by Contract Year, such that the total commitments submitted to CDOT to date and anticipated commitments total the annual participation target by Contract Year and All Contract Years as Approved by CDOT in the Contractors SDBPP.
He emphasized the importance of regional and intraregional development banks to provide a set of powerful monetary arrangements that would support the IMF.
DBE or ESB Name, as included in the Contractor’s Utilization Plan for the specified Goal and Contract Year, and for which a Commitment Confirmation (CDOT Design Build Form 1415) has been Accepted by CDOT.
To make a substitution, the Contractor shall request the addition of a new DBE or ESB using CDOT Design Build Form 1420 and provide a Commitment Confirmation (CDOT Design Build Form 1415) with the request.
To the extent that Shipper has been awarded a Voluntary Interruption Commitment (“VIC”) pursuant to Section 15.6 of the General Terms and Conditions of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff, Transporter, on Shipper's behalf, shall complete a Voluntary Interruption Commitment Confirmation (“VIC Confirmation”) specifying the VIC Quantity, VIC Credit, and other terms consistent with Section 15.6 of the General Terms and Conditions of Transporter’s Tariff.
Commitments may be made to second tier or lower DBE subcontractors; however, the Contractor is ultimately responsible for the fulfillment of the commitment and shall sign the Form 1415, Commitment Confirmation.
A Form 1415, Commitment Confirmation shall be obtained from each DBE listed on Form 1414.
Each Delivery Commitment will be confirmed with the PFI on the day of issuance via on-screen notification and e-mail.Once a Mandatory Delivery Commitment is established, the PFI may submit loans for Loan Presentment and loan delivery up until 3:30 P.M. Central Time two (2) Business Days prior to theDelivery Commitment’s expiration (expiration is specified on the Delivery Commitment Confirmation) or until the Delivery Commitment is filled, whichever occurs first.