Examples of Common Use Upgrade in a sentence
Transmission Provider will reevaluate the need for any Common Use Upgrade(s) and/or Shared Network Upgrade(s), and if still required, reallocate the cost and responsibility for any Common Use Upgrade and/or Shared Network Upgrade, without a restudy when possible, or with a restudy if the Transmission Provider deems it necessary in order to ensure reliability of the Transmission System.
For a MPFCA, Transmission Provider shall provide the draft MPFCA to all Interconnection Customers that create the need and share the responsibility for the Common Use Upgrade.
Cost responsibility shall be described as a percentage of the total estimated cost of each Common Use Upgrade.
The cost responsibility of each Project Developer for each Common Use Upgrade described in the attached Schedule A shall be described in the attached Schedule B.
If MISO determines restudy is required because one of the contingencies in Article 11.3.1 of the GIA has occurred, or at MISO’s discretion, MISO will reevaluate the need for the Common Use Upgrade and/or Shared Network Upgrade, and if still required, reallocate the cost and responsibility for any Common Use Upgrade and/or Shared Network Upgrade, without a restudy when possible, or with a restudy if MISO deems it necessary in order to ensure reliability of the Transmission System.
Each Interconnection Customer may reduce its Security to an amount equal to the sum of that Interconnection Customer’s ACUC Cost Share for each Common Use Upgrade subject to this Service Agreement if the one-time true-up adjustment described in Section III.g. determines the ECUC for one or more Common Use Upgrade(s) to be greater than the ACUC for one or more Common Use Upgrade(s).
If Transmission Provider is unable to identify similarly situated Interconnection Request(s), and Transmission Provider deems it likely that another CUU would be more prudent, Transmission Provider may, in its sole discretion after reasonable consultation with Transmission Owner, reevaluate the need for the Common Use Upgrade, and if still required, reallocate the cost and responsibility for any Common Use Upgrade without a restudy and provide notice to each Customer.
Each Interconnection Customer will adjust its Security to equal the sum of that Interconnection Customer’s Cost Share Percentage applied to the ACUC (“ACUC Cost Share”) for each Common Use Upgrade subject to this Service Agreement if the one-time true-up adjustment described in Section III.g. determines the ECUC for one or more Common Use Upgrade(s) to be less than the ACUC for those Common Use Upgrade(s).
No later than ten (10) Calendar Days after issuance of the Final System Impact Study report and the applicable final Interconnection Facilities Study reports for each of the projects that are a part of the MPFCA, Transmission Provider shall tender the draft MPFCA to all Interconnection Customers that create the need and share the responsibility for the Common Use Upgrade.
According to Filing Parties, SNUs will resolve the “first mover/late comer” issues faced by interconnecting generators that results from the “lumpiness” of transmission upgrades.38 The SNU classification builds on the existing Common Use Upgrade classification in the Tariff, which allows several known beneficiaries of a network upgrade to share the costs of these upgrades in advance.