Examples of Community Needs Assessment in a sentence
CSBG Act Section 676(b)(11)California Government Code Section 12747(a) Helpful ResourcesIn 2011, NASCSP published a Community Action to Comprehensive Community Needs Assessment Tool that supports planning and implementing a comprehensive CNA.
The tool lays out design choices, planning steps, implementation practices, analysis, and presentation options.The National Community Action Partnership has resources such as an online Community Needs Assessment Tool and information about conducing a needs assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The organization was invited to participate in the Community Needs Assessment Survey, which addressed the prioritization of CDBG expenditures.
Complete a Community Needs Assessment (CNA) in year one and updated in year four of the Grant Agreement term for review and approval by HHSC that guides the identification of community prevention priorities based on local data and resources.
Successful applicants must propose a Community Needs Assessment or Preliminary Engineering Report activity designed to assist the municipality in seeking future funding opportunities from NYS CDBG or other State and Federal agencies that will result in a benefit to low-and moderate-income persons.