Company Releasor definition

Company Releasor has the meaning set forth in Section 10.15(a).
Company Releasor means the Company, each of its Affiliates, each of its and their respective Representatives, each of the successors and assigns of each of the foregoing, and any other person that may claim by, through or under any of them;
Company Releasor has the meaning set forth in Section 5.12(b).

Examples of Company Releasor in a sentence

  • The Company (on behalf of each Company Releasor) hereby irrevocably covenants to refrain from, directly or indirectly, asserting, commencing, instituting or causing to be commenced any Claim or demand of any kind against any member of the Director Released Parties based upon any Director Released Claims released or purported to be released hereby.

  • The Company Releasor releases the Producer, his or her or its successors, assigns and licensees, and Tropfest, from any and all claims, demands and proceedings (of any nature) arising out of any use of the Contributor’s performance (if any) and the Material and the Film.

  • The Company Releasor agrees, if reasonably required by the Producer, his or her or its successors, assigns and licensees, or Tropfest, to procure the Contributor to participate in publicity appearances in connection with the Film including, but not limited to, publicity appearances at the Tropfest Film Festival and other related film competitions or film festivals.

  • The Company acknowledges and agrees that the provisions of this Section 5 are valid, fair, adequate and reasonable and were agreed to with its full knowledge and consent, after an opportunity to consult with counsel of its choosing, were not procured through fraud, duress or mistake and have not had the effect of misleading, misinforming or failing to inform any Company Releasor.

  • HoldCo acknowledges and agrees that neither the Company nor any of the Company Releasors has made, and HoldCo has not relied on, any express or implied representations or warranties with respect to the Company or any Company Releasor not contained in Section 5.

  • See Pl. Br. at 10.Equally important, the anti-torture statutes upon which Plaintiffs rely share one common characteristic—although several permit criminal prosecution, or civil litigation for conduct under color of foreign law, none provides for a private right of action in the circumstances at issue here.

  • The Company Releasor acknowledges that nothing in this Deed of Release obliges the Producer to make any use of the rights granted in this Deed of Release.

  • This Deed of Release covers the Contributor’s performance (if any) and all Material provided by the Company Releasor or the Contributor to the Producer, whether or not created or provided before or after the date of this Deed of Release.Executed as a deed.

  • Other than the 1 Thursday Night Market, the CNMI does not offer many other night time activities 2 of any type.

  • The Company Releasor acknowledges that neither the Company Releasor nor the Contributor own any right, title and interest in and to the Film.

More Definitions of Company Releasor

Company Releasor means the Company and each of its Affiliates, each of its and their respective Representatives, each of the successors and assigns of each of the foregoing, and any other person that may claim by, through or under any of them;
Company Releasor has the meaning set forth in Section 7.09(b).

Related to Company Releasor

  • Company Released Parties means the Company and any of its past or present employees, agents, insurers, attorneys, administrators, officials, directors, shareholders, divisions, parents, members, subsidiaries, affiliates, predecessors, successors, employee benefit plans, and the sponsors, fiduciaries, or administrators of the Company’s employee benefit plans.

  • Releasor means any Person granting a release of any Settled Claim.

  • Releasees means each and any of the Defendants’ Releasees and each and any of the Plaintiffs’ Releasees.

  • Plaintiffs’ Releasees means Plaintiffs, and any and all of their related parties, including, without limitation, any and all members of their immediate families, agents or other persons acting on their behalf, attorneys, advisors, financial advisors, accountants, assigns, creditors, heirs, estates and legal representatives.

  • Releasors means Plaintiffs, Class Members and their respective past, present 15 and future parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, 16 attorneys, servants, representatives (and as applicable each of their past, present, 17 and future officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys, servants, and 18 representatives), and the predecessors, successors, heirs, executors, 19 administrators, and representatives of each of the foregoing.

  • Releasee or “Releasees” shall refer to you and to the Company and each of the Company’s owners, stockholders, predecessors, successors, assigns, agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, attorneys, advisors, parent companies, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates (and agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, attorneys and advisors of such parent companies, divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates) and all persons acting by, through, under or in concert with any of them.

  • Released Parties means Defendant and its present and former subsidiaries, parents, affiliates, divisions, officers, directors, members, managers, shareholders, insurers, suppliers, manufacturers, re-sellers, distributors, brokers, service providers, employees, agents, legal representatives, heirs, predecessors, successors, or assigns.

  • Seller Released Parties has the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 5.6(a).

  • Defendants’ Releasees means Defendants and their current and former parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, agents, successors, predecessors, assigns, assignees, partnerships, partners, trustees, trusts, employees, Immediate Family Members, insurers, reinsurers, and attorneys.

  • Released Plaintiff Parties means each and every Settlement Class Member, Lead Plaintiff, Plaintiff’s Counsel, and each of their respective past or present trustees, officers, directors, partners, employees, affiliates, contractors, auditors, principals, agents, attorneys, predecessors, successors, assigns, insurers, parents, subsidiaries, general or limited partners or partnerships, and limited liability companies; and the spouses, members of the immediate families, representatives, and heirs of any Released Plaintiff Party who is an individual, as well as any trust of which any Released Plaintiff Party is the settlor or which is for the benefit of any of their immediate family members. Released Plaintiff Parties does not include any Person who timely and validly seeks exclusion from the Settlement Class.

  • Defendant Releasees means (i) Defendants and their attorneys; (ii) the current and former parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, predecessors, assigns, and assignees of each of the foregoing in (i); and (iii) the current and former officers, employees, directors, Immediate Family members, heirs, trusts, trustees, executors, estates, administrators, beneficiaries, agents, affiliates, insurers, reinsurers, predecessors, predecessors-in-interest, successors, successors-in- interest, assigns and advisors of each of the persons or entities listed in (i) and (ii), in their capacities as such.

  • Released Party means collectively, and in each case in its capacity as such:

  • Releasing Party has the meaning set forth in Section 7.9.

  • Released Person means any person who is released on bail or on his personal bond, as the case may be;

  • Releasing Parties means Plaintiffs and all Settlement Class Members, and each of their respective executors, representatives, heirs, predecessors, assigns, beneficiaries, successors, bankruptcy trustees, guardians, joint tenants, tenants in common, tenants by entireties, agents, attorneys, and all those who claim through them or on their behalf.

  • Released Plaintiff Claims means any and all claims, demands, rights, actions, potential actions, causes of action, liabilities, damages, losses, obligations, judgments, duties, suits, agreements, costs, expenses, debts, interest, penalties, sanctions, fees, attorneys’ fees, judgments, decrees, matters, issues, and controversies of any kind, nature or description whatsoever, whether based on federal, state, local, statutory or common law or any other law, rule or regulation, whether fixed or contingent, accrued or un-accrued, liquidated or un- liquidated, at law or in equity, matured or un-matured, disclosed or un-disclosed, apparent or un- apparent, including claims and Unknown Claims (as defined below), which were or could have been alleged or asserted in the Derivative Actions against any Released Defendant Party by Plaintiffs or any other J&J shareholder derivatively on behalf of J&J, directly or indirectly relating to or arising out of any of the allegations, facts, events, transactions, acts, occurrences, conduct, practices, or any other matters, or any series thereof, alleged or asserted in the Derivative Actions, or which were investigated by the Special Committee. Released Plaintiff Claims do not include any claims relating to the enforcement of this Settlement. Released Plaintiff Claims also do not include the specific claims made by the plaintiff in The George Leon Family Trust v. Coleman, et al., Case No. 3:11-cv-05084-JAP-DEA.

  • Released Plaintiffs Claims” means all claims, debts, demands, rights, or causes of action of every nature and description, whether known claims or Unknown Claims, whether arising under federal, state, local, statutory, common, or foreign law, that Lead Plaintiffs or any other member of the Settlement Class asserted in the Complaint or could have asserted in any forum that arise out of or are based upon those allegations, transactions, facts, matters or occurrences, representations or omissions involved, set forth, or referred to in the Complaint that occurred prior to the collapse of the Fundão Dam on November 5, 2015 and that relate to the purchase or acquisition of Vale common or preferred ADRs during the Class Period. For the avoidance of doubt, Released Plaintiffs’ Claims do not include: (i) any claims relating to the enforcement of the Settlement; and (ii) any claims of any person or entity who or which submits a request for exclusion that is accepted by the Court.

  • Released Persons means each and all of the Defendants and their Related Parties.

  • Released Plaintiff s Claims” means all any and all manner of claims, demands, rights, liabilities, losses, obligations, duties, damages, costs, debts, expenses, interest, penalties, sanctions, fees, attorneys’ fees, actions, potential actions, causes of action, suits, agreements, judgments, decrees, matters, issues and controversies of any kind, nature, or description whatsoever, whether known or unknown, disclosed or undisclosed, accrued or unaccrued, apparent or not apparent, foreseen or unforeseen, matured or not matured, suspected or unsuspected, liquidated or not liquidated, fixed or contingent, including Unknown Claims, whether based on state, local, foreign, federal, statutory, regulatory, common, or other law or rule (including claims within the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts, such as, but not limited to, federal securities claims or other claims based upon the purchase or sale of Class Shares), that are, have been, could have been, could now be, or in the future could, can, or might be asserted, in the Action or in any other court, tribunal, or proceeding by Plaintiff or any other Activision stockholder derivatively on behalf of Activision or as a member of the Class, or by Activision directly against any of the Defendants’ Releasees, which, now or hereafter, are based upon, arise out of, relate in any way to, or involve, directly or indirectly, any of the actions, transactions, occurrences, statements, representations, misrepresentations, omissions, allegations, facts, practices, events, claims or any other matters, things or causes whatsoever, or any series thereof, that relate in any way to, or could arise in connection with, the Transaction (or relate to or arise as a result of any of the events, acts or negotiations related thereto) and the nomination, appointment or election of Activision directors, including but not limited to those alleged, asserted, set forth, claimed, embraced, involved, or referred to in, or related to the Fifth Amended Class and Derivative Complaint or the Action, except for claims relating to the enforcement of the Settlement and for any claims that Defendants may have against any of their insurers, co-insurers or reinsurers that are not otherwise released pursuant to other documentation. For the avoidance of doubt, the Released Plaintiff’s Claims include all of the claims asserted in the Miller Action, but do not include claims based on conduct of Defendants’ Releasees after the Effective Date.

  • Releasing Persons means Plaintiff, all Settlement Class Members, and anyone claiming through them such as heirs, administrators, successors, and assigns.

  • Released Defendants Claims” means all claims and causes of action of every nature and description, whether known claims or Unknown Claims, whether arising under federal, state, common or foreign law, that arise out of or relate in any way to the institution, prosecution, or settlement of the claims asserted in the Action against the Defendants. Released Defendants’ Claims do not include any claims relating to the enforcement of the Settlement or any claims against any person or entity who or which submits a request for exclusion from the Settlement Class that is accepted by the Court.

  • Released PAGA Claims means the claims being released as described in Paragraph 6.2 below.

  • Former Employee means an individual who has severed employment with the Employer or an Affiliated Employer.

  • Released Defendant Persons means all persons and entities named as a Defendant in the Action or that could have been named as a Defendant in the Action, including, without limitation, the past and present officers and members of the Board of Directors of AMC, the members of the special committee of the Board of Directors of AMC that approved the Transaction, Silver Lake, and the members of the SLC, and any and all of the respective current and former employers, parent entities, controlling persons, owners, members, co-investors, lenders, principals, affiliates, or subsidiaries of any of the foregoing, and each and all of the respective past or present officers, directors, managers, partners, limited partners, stockholders, representatives, employees, attorneys, financial or investment advisors, consultants, accountants, investment bankers, commercial bankers, agents, heirs, executors, trustees, personal representatives, estates, administrators, predecessors, successors, assigns, insurers, and reinsurers of any of the foregoing.

  • Released Entities means released entities as such term is defined

  • Released Plaintiffs’ Claims means all any and all manner of claims, demands, rights, liabilities, losses, obligations, duties, damages, costs, debts, expenses, interest, penalties, sanctions, fees, attorneys’ fees, actions, potential actions, causes of action, suits, agreements, judgments, decrees, matters, issues and controversies of any kind, nature, or description whatsoever, whether known or unknown, disclosed or undisclosed, accrued or unaccrued, apparent or not apparent, foreseen or unforeseen, matured or not matured, suspected or unsuspected, liquidated or not liquidated, fixed or contingent, including Unknown Claims, whether based on state, local, foreign, federal, statutory, regulatory, common, or other law or rule (including claims within the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts, such as, but not limited to, federal securities claims or other claims based upon the purchase or sale of Class Shares), that are, have been, could have been, could now be, or in the future could, can, or might be asserted, in the Action or in any other court, tribunal, or proceeding by Plaintiff or any other Activision stockholder derivatively on behalf of Activision or as a member of the Class, or by Activision directly against any of the Defendants’ Releasees, which, now or hereafter, are based upon, arise out of, relate in any way to, or involve, directly or indirectly, any of the actions, transactions, occurrences, statements, representations, misrepresentations, omissions, allegations, facts, practices, events, claims or any other matters, things or causes whatsoever, or any series thereof, that relate in any way to, or could arise in connection with, the Transaction (or relate to or arise as a result of any of the events, acts or negotiations related thereto) and the nomination, appointment or election of Activision directors, including but not limited to those alleged, asserted, set forth, claimed, embraced, involved, or referred to in, or related to the Fifth Amended Class and Derivative Complaint or the Action, except for claims relating to the enforcement of the Settlement and for any claims that Defendants may have against any of their insurers, co-insurers or reinsurers that are not otherwise released pursuant to other documentation. For the avoidance of doubt, the Released Plaintiff’s Claims include all of the claims asserted in the Miller Action, but do not include claims based on conduct of Defendants’ Releasees after the Effective Date.