Examples of Compensation Arrangements in a sentence
The number of common shares that may be issued pursuant to the exercise of options awarded under the Plan and all other Security Based Compensation Arrangements of the Company is 10% of the common shares outstanding from time to time.
The number of Common Shares that may be issued pursuant to the exercise of options awarded under the Plan and all other Security Based Compensation Arrangements of the Company is 10% of the common shares outstanding from time to time.
In this rule 11.24: Amending Rule means the National Electricity Amendment (Compensation Arrangements under Administered Pricing) Rule 2008.
The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is intended to apply only to rights, obligations and claims arising out of the Compensation Arrangements and the employment relationship (or its termination) between the Executive and the Company.
Compensation Arrangements We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).