Examples of Competition and Markets Authority in a sentence
Paragraph 18.1 of the Undertakings requires Arqiva to deliver an annual report to the Office of Fair Trading (now the Competition and Markets Authority) setting out steps taken to comply with the Undertakings and details of any breaches and including steps taken to remedy them.
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has competition law powers which apply across the whole economy.
Note that the OFT will be replaced by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) from April 2014.
We will seek where possible to make a refund within 30 days of being informed of your decision to cancel your place.Harlow College Terms and Conditions (t&cs) of the Student Contract – HE BackgroundHarlow College is committed to abiding by the guidance provided by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to ensure that students receive clear, accurate and timely information; that terms and conditions are fair; and that complaint handling processes and practices are accessible, clear and fair.
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has ordered Xoserve and the Gas Transporters, to provide Data Enquiry System (DES) access to Price Comparison Websites (PCWs) and Third Party Intermediaries (TPIs), this is to assist PCWs to validate customer data during domestic consumer switching processes.
The Competition and Markets Authority (“CMA”) is the UK’s main competition authority responsible for ensuring that competition and markets work well for consumers.
CMA Issues Guidance on UK Merger Assessments During COVID-19April 24, 2020New guidance from the UK Competition and Markets Authority warns that it will not relax its substantive or evidentiary standards for merger investigations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For example, the Competition and Markets Authority (the CMA) and the FCA have undertaken a market investigation and consultations into competition and conduct in the markets in which the Issuer operates – see “Description of the Society – CMA and FCA regulation to increase competition”.
The Government response21, published in April 2012, set out that in future, responsibility for each aspect of consumer advice, representation and enforcement should rest mainly with one of three key institutions: the Citizens Advice Service, LATSS and the proposed new Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).
The Competition and Markets AuthorityThe Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) work to promote competition for the benefit of consumers, both within and outside the UK.