Examples of Complaints procedures in a sentence
It is usually better for all parties if parental concerns / complaints can be resolved as quickly as possible, nevertheless, it is important that all educational establishments follow the corporate complaints procedure when complaints reach that stage ( available on Comhairle Web Site and from the Comhairle Offices ) • The Department of Education will ensure that schools are familiar with the Comhairle Complaints procedures.
Please also see our Comments, Feedback and Complaints procedures in Section 4 of this Code.
PPL will regularly review the operation of this Code, including the Comments, Feedback and Complaints procedures, and it will be updated from time to time as appropriate.
However, our Comments, Feedback and Complaints procedures provide details of steps you can take, and how we will respond, if you feel that we have not complied with this Code in our dealings with you as a prospective, new or existing PPL licensing customer (see Section 4 above).
Complaints procedures and arrangements should allow for reasonable adjustments which ensure that no one is discriminated against because of their age, gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy / maternity or religion/belief.
Policies relating to Pay, Terms and Conditions of Employment, Performance Management, Recruitment, Capability, Disciplinary and Complaints procedures will be determined by the Trust Board and the LGB is expected to rigorously implement them.
Complaints from employees concerning terms and conditions of employment and/or actions by administration that are not grievances shall be governed by the Complaints procedures outlined in Policy 3.31.
For matters involving teaching in general, there are also feedback opportunities through Staff-Student Consultative Councils, module questionnaires and School presidents.You can make both a personal Complaint and an Appeal, by using both the Appeal and Complaints procedures, but it must be emphasised that changing an academic judgment or decision is not one of the outcomes from the Complaints procedure used alone.
Complaints procedures are available upon request to the CMA and/ or by request to the Fund Manager in respect of any dispute.
Complaints procedures are organised by competent authorities or by specific bodies established for this purpose.