Comptroller of Customs definition
Examples of Comptroller of Customs in a sentence
The LEAs who investigate intelligence reports from the FIU are the Commissioner of Police, Comptroller of Customs and Excise, Chief Immigration Officer and Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue.
Article 139 of the EPA requires parties to “ensure an adequate and effective implementation of the international treaties dealing with intellectual property to which they are parties and of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS).”The Comptroller of Customs of the Government of Saint Lucia spearheads the enforcement and preventive aspects which includes the detention, seizure and forfeiture of goods.
The Company has bonds in favour of the Comptroller of Customs in the amount of $28,000.
The applicant agrees to notify the Comptroller of Customs within 24 hours of any changes in the following situations: You no longer meet licensing or operating conditions as Carrier Agent, Individual, Broker, Large Importer, Government Agency, others (if you fall within one of these categories); 1.
MMA states that the Comptroller of Customs and Excise must take into consideration the royalties paid in respect of the minerals being exported in determining the applicable export duty in a given case.