Examples of Compulsory Education in a sentence
Notice of Compulsory Education Violation The School may issue a "notice of compulsory education violation" to a parent/guardian of a school-age child who is in grades 1 through 6 if the student is truant at least five (5) times during the school year.
Under the Compulsory Education Act 2014 definition of free education includes meals, transportation and textbooks.
Students are not subjected to Compulsory Education Law until 6 years of age.
Compulsory Education - Regular attendance is essential to satisfactory academic performance.
The Attendance Protocol works in conjunction with the Compulsory Education Law(O.C.G.A. 20-2-690.1) which requires that every parent/guardian or other person who has control of any child between the ages of 6 and 16 shall enroll and send such child to school.