Examples of Conditions of Enrolment in a sentence
Acceptance- No applicant is officially accepted to any programme until he/she has received a formal letter of acceptance from the Admissions Department and the student has returned the signed acceptance slip, and signed and submitted the Conditions of Enrolment to the Department.
The school may in its sole and absolute discretion charge (and each parent agrees to pay jointly and severally) interest at the RBA cash rate on any amount of school fees (or any other fees, charges and levies charged by the school pursuant to these Terms and Conditions of Enrolment) that remain unpaid for 28 days after they fall due for payment.
In the event of suspension or termination of enrolment under these Terms and Conditions of Enrolment, there will be no refund or waiver of any school fees (and any other fees, charges, and levies) charged by the school.
It is understood that the parents/guardians/carers of students who attend or are attending the school for the purpose of receiving educational services have accepted these Terms and Conditions of Enrolment.
Parents/guardians/carers who accept the school’s offer of enrolment for a child, also agree to the requirements outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment (see below) for the duration of the child’s enrolment.
The school reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions of Enrolment as required.
These Terms & Conditions of Enrolment, and the availability of the College’s complaints and appeals processes, do not affect the rights of the Applicant to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies.
Scholarships holders are bound by the terms and conditions in these Terms & Conditions of Enrolment and also MLC’s Scholarship Terms and Conditions which are available on the College website.
Two meetings were held during the year and the dates on which the said meetings were held are July 20, 2016 and January 24, 2017.The necessary quorum was present for all the meetings.Mr. N Ramanathan, Company Secretary is the Secretary to the Committee.
If an Applicant accepts a Conditional Offer of Enrolment, the Applicant is bound by any additional terms and conditions applicable to that enrolment and also continues to be bound by these Terms & Conditions of Enrolment.