Conduct of a Sexual Nature definition
Examples of Conduct of a Sexual Nature in a sentence
For example, if you sign up to a fixed term of 3 years, you are locking yourself into monthly payments for 3 years.
Unwelcome Conduct of a Sexual Nature: Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature by one student of another may constitute sexual harassment when the allegedly harassed student has indicated, by his or her conduct, that the conduct is unwelcome, or when the conduct, by its nature, is clearly unwelcome or inappropriate.
Non-verbal Conduct of a Sexual Nature: The display of pornographic or sexually suggestive pictures, objects or written materials, leering, whistling or making sexually suggestive gestures.
Verbal Conduct of a Sexual Nature: Unwanted sexual advances, propositions or pressure for sexual activity, continued suggestions for social activity outside the workplace after it has been made clear that such suggestions are unwelcome, offensive flirtations, suggestive remarks, innuendoes or lewd comments.
Verbal or Physical Conduct of a Sexual Nature Verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment when the allegedly harassed employee has indicated, by their conduct, that it is unwelcome.
It is a violation of this Policy to engage in Bullying Behaviors, Hazing, and Other Inappropriate Conduct of a Sexual Nature, as further defined in the corresponding sections below.
The following are examples of inappropriate behaviour covered by this policy and should not be regarded as an exhaustive list: Physical Conduct of a Sexual Nature: Unwanted and repeated physical contact including unnecessary touching, patting, pinching, brushing against another employee’s body, assault or coercing sexual intercourse.
Includes, but is not limited to: racial name-calling, use of slurs, taunting, and wearing or displaying racially offensive symbols or messages.Inappropriate Conduct of a Sexual Nature and Sexual Harassment.Defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, other physical or verbal conduct, or communication of a sexual nature, and any other gender-based harassment, whether initiated by students, school employees, or visitors.
The LCP policies require that new development not be visible from scenic roads or public viewing areas.
Non-Title IX Sexual Harassment/Gender Discrimination/ Inappropriate Conduct of a Sexual Nature Complaints and Procedures for ResolutionNote: Upon receipt of a complaint /report under this policy, the GSSM personnel will consult with the Title IX coordinator for guidance.