Examples of Consolidated Gross Revenue in a sentence
In the event where the Tenderer is not a wholly-owned Subsidiary, gross revenue of the shareholders of the Tenderer having not less than 30% interest in the Tenderer will be counted for the purpose of counting the Consolidated Gross Revenue of the Tenderer.
The Net Profit after tax for the year stood at` 99.56 Crores against ` 183.32 Crores reported in the Previous Year.The Consolidated Gross Revenue (Including GST and Intragroup transactions) from operations for financial year 2019-20 was ` 968.44 Crores (Previous Year:` 1,010.05 Crores), The Consolidated Operating Profit before tax stood (for continued operations) at` 255.54 Crores (Previous Year: ` 310.54 Crores).
A group of positions sufficiently alike in duties, authority and responsibilities such that the same general qualifications may reasonably be required and the same schedule of pay equitably applied to all positions in the group.
The Bidder shall provide documentary evidence for the conformity to the requirement in the Bidding Documents in the form of literature, drawings and data, and shall furnish a detailed description of the goods’ essential technical and performance characteristics including details requested in Clause 10.1 hereof.
Consolidated Gross Revenue of the Tenderer shall be the weighted average of Gross Revenue of each Tenderer’s shareholder (which should have not less than 30% interest in the Tenderer) based on their respective shareholdings.