Conspicuous type definition
Conspicuous type means bold type in capital letters no smaller than the largest type, exclusive of headings, on the page on which it appears and, in all cases, at least 10-point type. Where conspicuous type is required, it must be separated on all sides from other type and print. Conspicuous type may be used in a contract for purchase and sale of a unit, a lease of a unit for more than 5 years, or a prospectus or offering circular only where required by law.
Conspicuous type means type in capital letters no smaller than the largest type on the page on which it appears.
Conspicuous type means either of the following:
Examples of Conspicuous type in a sentence
Any other expenses, fees, or taxes designated as common expenses in36 a timeshare declaration.37 (6) Conspicuous type.
Any other expenses, fees, or taxes designated as common expenses in34 a timeshare declaration.35 (6) Conspicuous type.
Any other expenses, fees, or taxes designated as common expenses in38 a timeshare declaration.39 (6) Conspicuous type.
More Definitions of Conspicuous type
Conspicuous type means bold type in capital letters no smaller than the largest type, exclusive of headings, on the page on which it appears and, in all cases, at least 10point type. Where conspicuous type is required, it must be separated on all sides from other type and print.
Conspicuous type means type in capital
Conspicuous type means: (A) (i) Type in upper and lower case letters two point sizes larger than the largest nonconspicuous type, exclusive of headings, on the page on which it appears, but not less than ten-point type, or (ii) where the use of ten-point type would be impractical or impossible with respect to a particular piece of written advertising material, a different style of type or print that is conspicuous under the circumstances; and (B) separated on all sides from other type and print.
Conspicuous type means a statement in boldface and conspicuous type of at least ten points, such statements always being larger than all other statements adjacent to or surrounding it in the body of the document in which the statement is contained.
Conspicuous type means bold type in capital
Conspicuous type means bold type in capital letters no smaller than the largest type, exclusive
Conspicuous type means bold type in capital letters no smaller than the largest type, exclusive of headings, on the page on which it appears and, in all cases, at least 10-point type. Where conspicuous type is