Construction Threshold definition
Examples of Construction Threshold in a sentence
At Tenant’s sole cost and expense, Tenant may perform any Construction not otherwise required under this Lease as Tenant shall consider necessary or appropriate, (x) with Notice to Landlord but without Landlord’s consent if the cost of such Construction is equal to or less than the Construction Threshold, and (y) otherwise with Landlord’s prior written consent, which consent Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold.
Construction of the Unit shall have commenced at least to the Unit Construction Threshold.
Exceedance of the Construction Threshold Level above this are assigned significance levels depending on the magnitude above the Threshold Level, as detailed in Table 8.4 of the December 2018 ES.
The lowest daytime Construction Threshold Level is 65dB LAeq,T, where T is typically 10 hours per day during the weekday period and 5 hours on a Saturday.
Borrower may reclassify an A&D Lot or Finished Lot as a Unit subject to the provisions of this Agreement relating to Units; provided, however, that before any A&D Lot or Finished Lot is included in Eligible Assets as a Unit, the conditions precedent set forth in Section 4.4 must have been satisfied with respect to such A&D Lot or Finished Lot, including, without limitation, the provisions of Section 4.4(f) imposing the requirement that the Unit Construction Threshold must be met.
A construction level of 67.5dB LAeq,T is therefore regarded as insignificant or ‘negligible’, whereas a construction level of 78dB LAeq,T when assessed against a Construction Threshold Level of 65dB LAeq,T is regarded to be of major adverse significance.
Applicants applying under Option 1 may also earn up to 30 points by certifying that they will implement/comply with (if funded) the amended optional Enterprise Green Communities Criteria, in accordance with the section, “Option 1, Substantial Rehabilitation or New Construction, Threshold Requirements” and as enumerated in the amended Enterprise Green Communities Criteria Checklist above.
Borrower may reclassify an A&D Lot or Finished Lot as a Unit subject to the provisions of this Agreement relating to Units; provided, however, that before any A&D Lot or Finished Lot is included in Eligible Collateral as a Unit, the conditions precedent set forth in Section 4.4 must have been satisfied with respect to such A&D Lot or Finished Lot, including, without limitation, the provisions of Section 4.4(l) imposing the requirement that the Unit Construction Threshold must be met.
All plans and specifications for Alterations exceeding the Construction Threshold Amount in hard construction costs (such Alterations, “Substantial Projects”) shall be submitted by the Foundation to the Director for review and approval prior to the commencement of any work thereon.
In the absence of guidance on the level of significance based on the magnitude of exceedance of the Construction Threshold Level, an exceedance of <3dB is regarded as insignificant on the basis that an increase in a noise source of less than 3dB in an environmental setting is unlikely to be discernible.