Examples of Consultation Committee in a sentence
This probationary period may be extended by mutual agreement between the Employer and a Union Representative of the Union Management Consultation Committee.
The vice president shall select from the synod’s Consultation Committee a panel of five members (three laypersons and two ministers of Word and Sacrament).
The purpose of the Consultation Committee is to provide the parties with an open forum of communications in order to better understand each other and to resolve problems and issues in an open exchange of ideas and views between Union and Management.
This probationary period may be extended by mutual agreement between the Employer and a Union representative of the Union Management Consultation Committee.
If the issue relates directly to the pastor, the bishop may begin the process in †S14.18.d. In all other matters, if the bishop’s consultation fails to resolve the issue, the bishop shall refer the matter to the Consultation Committee of the synod, which shall undertake efforts to find an appropriate solution.
If the consultation fails to resolve the issue(s), the Consultation Committee of the synod shall consider the matter.
All issues arising from this language will be referred to the Joint Consultation Committee, but will not be subject to the Grievance Procedure.
Through conversations with students, alumni, and from unsolicited student feedback, the Department Chair mentors quality advising by psychology faculty.
There shall be an Executive Committee, a Consultation Committee, a Committee on Discipline, a Mutual Ministry Committee, an Audit Committee, and such other committees as this synod may from time to time determine.
When areas of doubt arise the advice of the Consultation Committee will be sought.