Classified service means all employment positions in the City that are not excluded by ordinance, City Charter or State law from the provisions of Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 4.04 or the Personnel Rules adopted pursuant thereto.
Unclassified service means all positions specifically designated as not being classified pursuant to M.S. 43A.08 and other enabling legislation. Unclassified employees do not accrue seniority; do not serve a probationary period; are not subject to the layoff provisions of this Plan; and may be terminated at will.
Continuous Employment has the same meaning as specified in the Employer’s Terms and Conditions of Employment on the date of signing of this agreement; (emploi continu)
Continuous monitoring system means the total equipment, required under the emission monitoring section in applicable subsections used to sample and condition (if applicable), to analyze, and to provide a permanent record of emissions or process parameters.
Years of Service means the total number of full years in which a Participant has been employed by one or more Employers. For purposes of this definition, a year of employment shall be a 365 day period (or 366 day period in the case of a leap year) that, for the first year of employment, commences on the Employee's date of hiring and that, for any subsequent year, commences on an anniversary of that hiring date. Any partial year of employment shall not be counted.