Examples of Controlled area in a sentence
Controlled area means an area, outside of a restricted area but inside the site boundary, access to which can be limited by the licensee for any reason.
Compounded sterile medications may include, but are not limited to, injectables, parenteral nutrition solutions, irrigation solutions, inhalation solutions, intravenous solutions and ophthalmic prepa- rations.(J) Controlled area: For purposes of these regulations, a controlled area is the area des- ignated for preparing sterile products.
A restricted area containing a security interest or other matter, in which uncontrolled movement will permit access to such security interest or matter; access within limited areas may be prevented by escort and other internal restrictions and controls.c. Controlled area.
The Contractor will provide required access location(s) on the Controlled area badge request.
Controlled area: For purposes of these regulations, a controlled area is a separate room designated for preparing sterile prepa- rations or an area designated for preparing sterile preparations that is separated from other activities/operations by a line of demar- cation that clearly separates the area from other operations.