Examples of Controlled Data Distributor in a sentence
In the event that the External Controlled Data Distributor intends to use the Market Data for External Use, before Data Recipient redistributes any Market Data to a Subscriber, Data Recipient shall first obtain an executed Subscriber Agreement from an authorized party of such Person.
The Data Feed Request Form requires each Controlled Data Distributor to identify the desired Data Feed and provide contact information for key Market Data Individuals, a description of the intended internal use and/or external Controlled distribution service being provided and a description of how the Data Feed is entitled.
Internal Controlled Data Distributors Each Internal Controlled Data Distributor (“ICDD”) has the right to provide Market Data to employees and officers of the ICDD or to any Affiliate thereof identified on an Affiliate List submitted by the ICDD to the Exchange in accordance with the instructions set forth in Section VII below, and are not required to qualify such persons as Subscribers to the Exchange.
External Controlled Data Distributors Each External Controlled Data Distributor (“ECDD”) must qualify their prospective external Subscribers before any such Subscriber can be entitled to receive Market Data through one of the two following methods outlined below: • Subscriber AgreementEach prospective Subscriber must execute the Schedule D – Market Data Subscriber Agreement.
Definitions Controlled Data Distributor – A Data Recipient that (i) provides Exchange Data to a Data User (either an Internal Subscriber or an External Subscriber) and (ii) controls the entitlements of and display of information to such Data User.
Attribution Each Data Recipient (including each Data Feed Distributor and each Controlled Data Distributor) must identify the Exchange as the source of any Market Data Feed through use of the Exchange’s name on all displays of Market Data.
Marketing Materials Each Data Feed Distributor and each Controlled Data Distributor may use the Exchange’s corporate name and the names of the Market Data Products/Services in their marketing materials and written sales materials to promote the use of their products or services, provided that such Data Recipient has received specific prior written approval by the Exchange of each such use.
Definitions Controlled Data Distributor – A Data Recipient that (i) provides Exchange Data to a User and (ii) controls the entitlements of and the display of such Exchange Data to such User.
External Controlled Data Distributors Each External Controlled Data Distributor (“ECDD”) must qualify their prospective external Subscribers before any such Subscriber can be entitled to receive Market Data through one of the two following methods outlined below: Subscriber AgreementEach prospective Subscriber must execute the Schedule D – Market Data Subscriber Agreement.
Flooding/Potential for Flooding• There is no known history of flooding on the site.