Convention adoption definition

Convention adoption means an adoption effected under the law of a Convention country outside the British Islands and certified in pursuance of Article 23(1) of the Convention;
Convention adoption means an intercountry adoption effected in accordance with the Hague Convention in a contracting state and for which a certificate under paragraph (1) of Article 23 (which relates to recognition of adoptions certified by the competent authority of the state of adoption) has been provided;
Convention adoption means the adoption of a child resident in a Convention country by a United States citizen or an adoption of a child resident in the United States by an individual or individuals residing in a Convention country when in connection with the adoption the child has moved or will move between the United States and the Convention country.

Examples of Convention adoption in a sentence

  • The agency ensures that a thorough background report (home study) on the prospective adoptive parent or parents has been completed in accordance with the Convention and with applicable Federal and State requirements and transmitted to the Attorney General with respect to each Convention adoption.

  • The agency provides prospective adoptive parents of a child in a prospective Convention adoption a copy of the medical records of the child (which, to the fullest extent practicable, shall include an English-language translation of such records) on a date which is not later than the earlier of the date that is 2 weeks before: (I) the adoption; or (II) the date on which the prospective parents travel to a foreign country to complete all procedures in such country relating to the adoption.

  • Those requirements are that on the date on which the order is made or the Convention adoption is effected (as the case may be)— (a) the adopter or, in the case of a joint adoption, one of the adopters is a British citizen; and (b) in a case within subsection (5)(b), the adopter or, in the case of a joint adoption, both of the adopters are habitually resident in the United Kingdom or in a designated territory.

  • Id. Convention adoption cases will not follow the traditional practice from orphan cases.

  • See 8 CFR 204.312(e)(2) concerning the need to file a new Form I–800A if the marital status changes after approval of a Form I– 800A.§ 204.311 Convention adoption home study requirements.(a) Purpose.

More Definitions of Convention adoption

Convention adoption means an adoption effected under the law of a Convention country outside the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man and certified in pursuance of Article 23(1) of the Convention;
Convention adoption means an adoption of a child who is a resident of a foreign country that is a party to the Convention by a United States Citizen or an adoption of a child who is a resident of the United States by an individual residing in another Convention country.
Convention adoption means an adoption of a child who is a habitual resident in a Convention country by an individual in another Convention country when the child has been, is being, or will be moved between the two Convention countries for the purpose of adoption.
Convention adoption means an adoption:
Convention adoption. (公約領養) means an adoption to which the Convention applies by virtue of Article 2 (as read together with Article 3) of the Convention and -
Convention adoption means an adoption effected under the law of a Convention
Convention adoption means an adoption effected under the