Copyright Notice definition

Copyright Notice means a notice stamped, engraved, printed or otherwise attached to a Peretti Product, in form satisfactory to Peretti, indicating that Peretti claims copyright in the design of the Peretti Product in question.
Copyright Notice. If the Project is satisfactorily completed in WRFs sole discretion, WRF may publish the results of the Project. WRF will own all U.S. and world-wide copyright in the reports created as a result of the research deliverables for the Project as defined in the PFA. WRF will provide an electronic PDF of any Final Report published to for placement on ’s website for internal use and for public viewing. agrees that they will not make any other use of the WRF’s copyrighted materials without WRF’s prior written permission. Approval for use of such materials for educational, noncommercial purposes, however, will not be unreasonably withheld. Further, any requests receives for a printed copy of any printed Final Report should be forwarded to WRF to fulfill the order.
Copyright Notice means certain notices which are reflected on all registered copies of the subject software. The copyright notice specifies that CRESCENDO has copyrighted the MEDRite(R) software and that all rights not expressly granted under this Contract are reserved by CRESCENDO. Unauthorized copying of the MEDRite(R) software, including MEDRite(R) software that has been modified, merged or included with other software, or of the accompanying written materials, is expressly forbidden.

Examples of Copyright Notice in a sentence

  • IP and Copyright Notice: All texts, graphics, sounds, information, designs, applications, content, source codes and object code files, and other material displayed on or that can be downloaded from this Site are protected by copyright, trademark and other laws and may not be used except as permitted in these Terms and Conditions or with prior written permission of the owner of such material (hereinafter: “information” or “data“).

  • Contact information should be for the person who owns the Copyright Notice.

  • If you use our Licensed Material in your own published works, please credit us as follows: [Title of This Work], [Copyright Notice], [Your Author Credit Information].

  • Attribution This product is based on the following Licensed Material: [Title of Work], [Copyright Notice], [Author Credit Information].

  • All Digital Copies held in the Course Collection shall contain in a prominent place (which may be on a front sheet attached thereto) or have displayed before they are viewed a Copyright Notice in accordance with Schedule 2 (as the same may be periodically amended by agreement between CLA and UUK/GuildHE) containing at least the title of the work from which it is made, the name of the author and of the publisher.

More Definitions of Copyright Notice

Copyright Notice means any copyright notice applying to EABA, EABA-compatible material or derivative works.
Copyright Notice means the CloudSigma Copyright Notice as of the date you make each Purchase or exchange of Credits for Services, as it may be amended in accordance with the Agreement.
Copyright Notice means such copyright notices as shall be notified by the Licensor to the Licensee
Copyright Notice means any copyright notice applying to Dominion Rules, Modifications, and/ or Larger Works.
Copyright Notice means any notice specifying the permissions and restrictions applicable to the Copy, which is stipulated by CLA within the Licence.
Copyright Notice. As instructed by Licensor pursuant to the Product Development Process.
Copyright Notice. The Publisher shall include a notice of copyright in its name in each copy of the Work and has the right to register the copyright.