Examples of Corporate Committee in a sentence
Functions which the Council has determined should be undertaken by the Corporate Committee are set out below.
The Corporate Committee and Standards Committee may make such recommendations to Council as they see fit in relation to proposed changes to the Constitution.
The Chairperson, Councillor Fisk reported that the Economic and Corporate Committee had met this evening and had processed the business contained in the agenda documents.
The Council meets to decide on the policies and plans which will constitute the Budget and Policy Framework, will set the Council Tax and budget for the following year, undertake all other non-executive functions (unless undertaken by Corporate Committee on its behalf), and approve any Housing Land Transfers.
The Chairperson, Councillor Beh reported that the Economic and Corporate Committee had met this evening and had processed the business contained in the agenda documents.
The Corporate Committee shall determine which Company employees are eligible to participate in the Plan.
Unless expressly provided for elsewhere in the Constitution, only the full Council will approve changes to the Constitution after consideration of the proposal by the Monitoring Officer, Corporate Committee and/or the Standards Committee.
The Presiding Member declared the meeting of the Governance and Corporate Committee open at 6.01 pm.
The Council meets on a regular basis to decide on the policies and plans which will constitute the Policy Framework for the authority, will set the budget for the proceeding year, undertake all other non-executive functions (unless undertaken by Corporate Committee on its behalf), and approve any Housing Land Transfers.
Unless expressly provided for elsewhere in the Constitution, only the full Council will approve changes to the Constitution after consideration of the proposal by the Monitoring Officer and, if the Monitoring Officer deems it necessary, by the Corporate Committee and/or the Standards Committee.