Credit accumulation definition
Examples of Credit accumulation in a sentence
Credit accumulation requires regular attendance and passing marks.
The entire programme is distributed in eight modules, each consisting of four courses of learning.d. Credit accumulation and transfer facilityThe University provides autonomy to its various schools in the design of their course credits.
There shall be a Sick Credit accumulation bank, for each full-time nurse in the active employ of Carefor Health and Community Services Pembroke and Area.
Since some of the assump- tions underlying the tax system are implicit, a much more effective approach than introducing new taxes would be to examine whether such unequal treatment in the tax system is justified and possibly to eliminate unfair tax benefits.The chapter also discusses how countries try to attract internationally mobile economic activity by lowering the corporate tax rate, a behavior known as tax competition.
Credit accumulation for purposes of this section will be calculated from the Fall semester of 1996 only, unless the faculty member can independently verify and document prior teaching credits at the University.