Examples of Critical incident in a sentence
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Brookfield that it hereby approves the Mutual Aid Agreement for the Suburban Critical Incident Team with Lake Country Fire and Rescue, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper city official(s) be hereby authorized and directed to carry out the council’s action, including, but not limited to signing documents, implementing technical revisions to documents to effectuate the best interest of the City, and correcting scrivener’s errors.
Upon the use of deadly force by a law enforcement employee, the Critical Incident Investigative Protocol is automatically enacted.
Individual, or designee, delegated by the Davis County Attorney’s Office (DCAO) to oversee Officer Involved Critical Incident investigations.
Critical Incident Response • As part of the Local Authority response to a Critical Incident, Educational Psychologists can provide short term support to school staff and pupils.