Examples of Critical Issue in a sentence
Priority 2 support issues are defined as: Critical Issue – Software is not down, but operations are negatively impacted.
Fisher, Z.J. Xu, Surface Segregation in Bimetallic Nanoparticles: A Critical Issue in Electrocatalyst Engineering, Small 11 (2015) 3221–3246.
The Vending Service will post phone numbers on vending machines and the service people will get messages through their paging and recording system.
If, with respect to a Critical Issue that is subject to the PDC's decision-making authority, the PDC cannot reach consensus within five business days after it has first met and attempted to reach such consensus, the matter shall be referred on the sixth business day to the Joint Executive Committee for resolution.
In the event the JDC determines that it cannot reach an agreement regarding a decision within the JDC’s authority, then, within *** Business Days after such determination: (a) for any matter that is not a Critical Issue *** shall have the final decision making authority on such matter; and (b) for any matter that is a Critical Issue, the matter shall be referred to FivePrime’s Chief Executive Officer (or designee) and HGS’ Chief Executive Officer (or designee) for resolution.