Examples of CSD Account in a sentence
Such substitution shall be made by a transfer by the Dealer to the Securities Trust Account of Equivalent Securities and the Client consents that the Trustee (acting on behalf of the Client) shall then transfer to the Dealer’s CSD Account the original Underlying Securities proposed to be substituted.
Innehavare ska på Bolagets anmaning vara skyldig att omedelbart till Bolaget eller Euroclear inlämna samtliga Optionsbevis representerande Optionsrätter samt meddela Bolaget erforderliga uppgifter om värdepapperskonto på vilket Innehavarens Optionsrätter ska registreras.In the event the Company is a CSD Company, the board of directors of the Company shall be entitled to resolve that the Warrants be registered on a CSD Account.
Following registration at the Swedish Companies Registration Office, the registration on a CSD Account shall become final.
As stated in section 8 below, in certain cases the date of such final registration on a CSD Account may be postponed.
Som framgår av § 8 nedan, senareläggs i vissa fall tidpunkten för sådan slutgiltig registrering på Avstämningskonto.In the event the Company is a CSD Company at the time of Subscription, Subscription shall be effected through the Company ensuring the interim registration of the new Shares on a CSD Account.
Complete with your client name as appears on the CSD, your CSD client code and the Broker/LDM name, if you have a CSD Account as at the date of your application.
You may contact any broker to open a CSD Account prior to the submission of your completed Application Form.
Final registration on a CSD Account shall take place only after the record date for the bonus issue.
References to the CSD shall, wherever the context so permits, be deemed to include a reference to any additional or alternative clearing system specified in the applicable Final Terms or (in the case of Exempt Notes) Pricing Supplement or as may be otherwise approved by the Issuer, the Principal Paying Agent and the CSD Account Manager.
If you have a CSD Account as at the date of your application, you may contact any broker to open a CSD Account prior to the submission of your completed Application Form.