Examples of Cultivated area in a sentence
Cultivated area in ha is an area of particular crop seeded and expected to be harvested.Forecasted average yield tonnes per ha.Forecasted price per tonne.
Cultivated area in South Sudan has historically ranged between a minimum of one percent and a maximum of two percent of the total area (i.e. 650,000 – 1,300,000 ha).
Subject to the two (2) Business Day period of time for the ABL Agent to implement any required adjustments, the ABL Agent shall adjust the Term Loan Reserve under the ABL Credit Agreement as set forth therein.
Cultivated area, gross grain production and average grain yield of cereals in 2009/10 main (Meher) season (CSA, 2010).
Our results highlight that the impact of technology on workers depends strongly on their specialization into jobs and that this impact is heterogeneous across cities, because of the more intensive usage of IT in expensive locations.
The Cultivated area has shrunk from 5441 hectares in 1966 to 1300 hectares in 2005-06.
Brazil’s total area ( 851 Mha, 100%) Brazilian farm’s area ( 355 Mha, 42%) Cultivated area ( 76,7 Mha, 9%)Area in sugarcane for ethanol ( 3,6 Mha, 0,5%) Similar situation is observed in several developing countries.
Table 1 Cultivated Area and Production of Kemiri in IndonesiaCultivated area ProductionYear1984Unit: Cultivated area and production totals (Indonesia) are 1,000 ha and 1,000 ton, respectively.
Revaluation of biological assets (crops)The Group estimates the total fair value of crops using following formula and assumptions: Fair value of the crop = Costs incurred + (Cultivated area in ha * forecasted average yield as tonnes per ha * forecasted price per tonne – cultivated area in ha * forecasted total cost per ha) * T * (1 - X), where: Cost incurred is cost actually incurred for particular crop during the season till the reporting date.
Province-wise distribution of different irrigation systems inAfghanistan 12Table 10 Cultivated area, production and yields of different cereals in 1978.