Examples of Cultural Heritage Act in a sentence
The applicant/owner is to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act and in particular ‘the duty of care’ that it imposes all landowners, developers and the alike.
Vegetation Management Act 1999 nor the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003.
It is advised that under section 23 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003, a person who carries out an activity must take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure the activity does not harm Aboriginal cultural heritage (the “cultural heritage duty of care”).
Het geeft ook terug aan niet-aangesloten staten (Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act van 1989).alleen indien op basis van het verdrag ook nog bilaterale verdragen zijn gesloten.Vanwege het feit dat twee vorderingen naast elkaar kunnen wor- den ingesteld, zowel door de betrokken staat als door de oorspron- kelijke eigenaar, kunnen er complicaties ontstaan.
This template applies in pursuance of RA 4846 issued in 1966 as amended by PD 374 issued in 1973 otherwise known as “Cultural Properties Preservation and Protection Act”, RA 8492, issued in 1998, otherwise known as “National Museum Act of 1998” and further amendments effected by RA 10066, otherwise known as “National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009” which mandates the regulatory functions of the NMP.
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and penalty provisions apply for any unauthorised harm.
This Act may be cited as the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003.
Act in accordance with cultural heritage duty of care guidelines gazetted under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003, available on DEHP’s website, or in accordance with an agreement with the Aboriginal party of the area or a cultural heritage management plan approved under Part 7 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003.
Under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 you have a duty of care in relation to such heritage.
Act in accordance with cultural heritage duty of care guidelines gazetted under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003, available on DERM’s website, or in accordance with an agreement with the Aboriginal party of the area or a cultural heritage management plan approved under Part 7 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003.