Examples of Current Grant in a sentence
Under Current Grant Opportunities, your electronic signature is required where there is a status of “Signature Pending”, Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
Under Current Grant Opportunities, your electronic signature is required where there is a status of “Signature Pending”.
In the event it becomes necessary to provide additional clarifying data or information or to revise any part of this GFO addenda will be posted to the Current Grant Funding Opportunities webpage.
An addendum will be published to the Current Grant Funding Opportunities webpage that includes the written and verbal questions and their answers.
Under Current Grant Opportunities, your electronic signature is required where there is a status of “Signature Pending” and a prompt that says “Sign grant Application”.
Femcare Australia’s 2020 Operating Income margin was 41.7% compared to 38.6% in 2019 and 45.4% in 2018.
All reporting instructions can be found on the State Library’s Manage Your Current Grant page.
The Current Grant Funding Opportunities webpage is located at:https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/business/solicitations-list.htm.
Authority: “Any payments due by the State for the Baltimore Zoo under a lease or sublease agreement shall be included in the annual budget for the Board of Public Works.” State Finance and Procurement Article, Section 10-206, Annotated Code of Maryland Current Grant AgreementOriginal Approval: Secretary’s Agenda Item 10 (7/6/2005) Amount: $500,000 Remarks: The requested grant fund disbursement is comprised of the following: $250,000●Remainder of original FY 2020 Grant Funds under 2019 Budget Bill.
Date of Change of Ownership: Submission Date to ACCET: Expiration Date of Current Grant of Accreditation: ACCET ID# New OwnershipFormer Ownership1.