CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE. 1. In the event of a Gas Supply Deficiency on the Seller's system, the Seller shall require curtailment of service to Buyer in accordance with the following procedure: a. The Seller shall order curtailment of sales made to Buyer's purchasing gas under the Seller's rate schedules or special contracts in descending order in accordance with priority of service categories set forth below. Approved emergency gas is accepted from curtailment. 1. Residential and small commercial Buyers (less than 50 MCF on a peak day) and essential human needs customers where there is no installed or available alternate fuel capability. 2. Large commercial direct flame requirements (50 MCF or more on a peak day); firm industrial requirements for plant protection, feedstock and process needs; and storage injection requirements.
CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE. 1,' In the event of a Gas Supply Deficiency on the Seller's system, the Seller shall require curtallment of service to Buyer in accordance with the following procedure: a. The Seller shall order curtailment of sales made to Buyer's purchasing gas under the Seller's rate schedules or special contracts in descending order in accordance with priority of service categories set forth below. Approved emergency gas is accepted from curtailment. 1. Residential and small commercial Buyers (less than 50 MCF on a peak day) and essential human needs customers where there Is no installed or available alternate fuel capability. 2. Large commercial direct fiame requirements (50 MCF or more on a peak day); firm industrial requirements for plant protection, feedstock and process needs; and storage injection reqUirements.
CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE. In the event of a Gas Supply Deficiency on the Seller's system, the Seller shall require curtailment of service to Buyer in accordance with the following procedure:
CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE. 1. In the event of a Gas Supply Deficiency on the Seller's system, the Seller shall require curtailment of service to Buyer in accordance with the following procedure: a. The Seller shall order curtailment of sales made to Buyer's purchasing gas under the Sellers rate schedules or special contracts in descending order In accordance with priority of service categories set forth below. Approved emergency gas is accepted from curtailment. 1. Residential and small commercial Buyers (less than 50 MCF on a peak day) and essential human needs customers where there is no installed or available alternate fuel capability. 2. Large commercial direct flame requirements (50 MCF or more on a peak day); fimn industrial reqUirements for plant protection, feedstock and process needs; and storage injection requirements.
CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE. 1, In the event of a Gas Supply Deficiency on the Seller's system, the Seller shall require curtailment of service to Buyer in accordance with the following procedure: a. The Seller shall order curtailment of sales made to Buyer's purchasing gas under the Seller's rate schedules or special contracts in descending order in accordance with priority of service categories set forth below. Approved emergency gas is accepted from curtailment. 1. Residential and small commercial Buyers (less than 50 MCF on a peak day) and essential hUman needs customers where there is no installed or available alternate fuel capability. 2. Large commercial direct flame requirements (50 MCF or more on a peak day); firm industrial requirements for plant protection, feedstock and process needs; and storage injection requirements.
CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE. 1. In the event of a Gas Supply Deficiency on the Sellers system, the Seller shall require curtailment of service to Buyer in accordance with the following procedure: a. The Seller shall order curtailment of sales made to Buyers purchasing gas under the Sellers rate schedules or special contracts in descending order in accordance with priority of service categories set forth below. Approved emergency gas is accepted from curtailment. 1. Residential and small commercial Buyers (less than 50 MCF on a peak day) and essential human needs customers where there is no installed or available altemate fuel capability. 2. Large commercial direct flame requirements (50 MCF or more on a peak day); firm industrial requirements for plant protection, feedstock and process needs; and storage injection reqUirements.
CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE. 1. In the event of a Gas Supply Deficiency on the Seller's system, the Seller shall require curtailment of service to Buyer in accordance with the following procedure: a. The Seller shall order curtailment of sales made to Buyer's purchasing gas under the Seller's rate schedules or special contracts in descending order in accordance with priority of service categories set forth below. Approved emergency gas is accepted from curtailment. 1. Residential and small commercial Buyers (less than 50 MCF on a peak day) and essential human needs customers where there is no installed or available alternate fuel capability, 2, Large commercial direct flame requirements (50 MCF or more on a peak day); firm industrial requirements for plant protection, feedstock and process needs; and storage injection requirements. 3A, Firm industrial requirements for uses other than boiler fuel which do not qualify for Category 2. 3B. Firm commercial and industrial boiler fuel requirements up to 1,000 MCF on a peak day.
CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE. The curtailment or reduction shall continue only for so long as reasonably necessary under Good Utility Practice;
CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE. If required by Good Utility Practice to do so, and/or directed by the Transmission Provider’s Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Provider may require the Interconnection Customer to curtail or reduce deliveries of electricity if such delivery of electricity could adversely affect the Transmission Provider's ability to perform such activities as are necessary to safely and reliably operate and maintain the Transmission System or the bulk electric system. The following provisions shall apply to any curtailment or reduction permitted under this Article 9.7.2 (
CURTAILMENT OF SERVICE. I. In the event of a Gas Supply Deficiency on the Seller's system, the Seller shall require curtailment of service to Buyer in accordance with the following procedure: a. The Seller shall order curtailment of sales made to Xxxxx's purchasing gas under the Seller's rate schedules or special contracts in descending order in accordance with priority of service categories set forth below. Approved emergency gas is excepted from curtailment. I. Residential and small commercial Buyers (less than 50 MCF on a peak day) and essential human needs customers where there is no installed or available alternate fuel capability.