Customarily and regularly definition

Customarily and regularly means greater than occasional but may be less than constant, and includes work normally and recurrently performed every workweek but does not include isolated or one-time tasks.
Customarily and regularly means “a frequency that must be greater than occasional but which, of course, may be less than constant. Tasks or work performed ‘customarily and regularly’ includes work normally and recurrently performed every workweek; it does not include isolated or one-time tasks.” 29 CFR § 541.701.
Customarily and regularly means greater than occasional; it includes work normally done every work week.

Examples of Customarily and regularly in a sentence

  • Customarily and regularly exercises discretion and judgment in performing assigned duties.

  • Customarily and regularly is engaged away from the employer’s place or places of business.

  • Currently, there is no indication whether the injunction will be overturned);• Have a “primary duty” that is management of “the enterprise in which the employee is employed” or “a customarily recognized department or subdivision of the enterprise”;• Customarily and regularly direct the work of two or more other employees; and• Have the authority to hire or fire other employees or provide input on the hiring, firing, advancement, promotion, or any other change of status of other employees.

  • Customarily and regularly away from employer’s place of business.‌ (a) An exempt outside sales employee must be customarily and regularly engaged away from the employer’s place or places of business.

  • We say that a FAKE protocol has conditional deniability if for any adversary , the session proof k is kept secret, and there exists a simulator SIMA on the same inputs as , producing a simulated transcript which is indistinguishable from the real transcript of protocol.Note that conditional deniability is mainly used to prevent S from proving to third party that he exchanged some data with a specific client.

  • Customarily and regularly perform at least one of the duties of an exempt execu- tive, administrative, or professional employee identified in the standard tests for exemption.

  • Customarily and regularly directs the work of two or more employees3.

  • Customarily and regularly directs work of two or more employees Ms. Blake meets the third element of an exempt executive employee because it is undisputed that she “customarily and regularly direct[ed] the work of two or more other employees.”104 d.

  • Under the Final Regulations, employees with “total compensation” ofat least $100,000 per year will be considered exempt if they: • Make at least $455 per week ($23,660 per year) paid on a salary or fee basis;• Perform office or non-manual work; and• Customarily and regularly perform one or more of the exempt job duties that are required for an executive, administrative, or professional exemption.

  • Personnel Administration Customarily and regularly directs the work of two or more other employees in the performance of State Bar business.

More Definitions of Customarily and regularly

Customarily and regularly means greater than occasional but may be less than constant, and includes work normally and recurrently performed every workweek but does not include isolated or one-time tasks. Thus, for example, an employee may qualify as an exempt highly- compensated executive if the employee normally and recurrently directs the work of two or more other employees, even though the employee does not meet all of the other requirements in the standard test for exemption as an executive.
Customarily and regularly means greater than occasional but less than constant; it includes work normally done every workweek, but does not include isolated or one‐time tasks.
Customarily and regularly means a frequency “greater than occasional” and includes work that is “normally and recurrently performed every workweek,” although the frequency of such work may be “less than constant.” 29 CFR § 541.701.
Customarily and regularly means a frequency that must be greater than occasional but which, of course, may be less than constant. Tasks or work performed “ customarily and regularly” includes work normally and recurrently performed every
Customarily and regularly. 29 means a frequency that must be greater than occasional but which may be less than constant. As this relates to the supervision of other workers, this means that normally an exempt executive employee must direct the work of other employees at least once a week, but not every day.
Customarily and regularly means greater than occasional but less than constant; it includes work normally done every work- week, but does not include isolated or one-time tasks.

Related to Customarily and regularly

  • customary law means any custom having the force of law in the Republic of the Marshall Islands; and includes any Act declaring the customary law;

  • Standard means a document approved by a recognised body, that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines, or characteristics for goods or services, or related processes and production methods, with which compliance is not mandatory. It may also include or deal exclusively with terminology, symbols, packaging, marking, or labelling requirements as they apply to a good, service, process, or production method;

  • Usual and Customary (U&C) shall mean covered expenses which are identified by the Plan Administrator, taking into consideration the fee(s) which the Provider most frequently charges the majority of patients for the service or supply, the cost to the Provider for providing the services, the prevailing range of fees charged in the same “area” by Providers of similar training and experience for the service or supply, and the Medicare reimbursement rates. The term(s) “same geographic locale” and/or “area” shall be defined as a metropolitan area, county, or such greater area as is necessary to obtain a representative cross-section of Providers, persons or organizations rendering such treatment, services, or supplies for which a specific charge is made. To be Usual and Customary, fee(s) must be in compliance with generally accepted billing practices for unbundling or multiple procedures.

  • Reasonable and Customary means, in relation to a charge for Medical Service, such level which does not exceed the general range of charges being charged by the relevant service providers in the locality where the charge is incurred for similar treatment, services or supplies to individuals with similar conditions, e.g. of the same sex and similar Age, for a similar Disability, as reasonably determined by the Company in utmost good faith. The Reasonable and Customary charges shall not in any event exceed the actual charges incurred.

  • Incident means any interruption in Services.

  • Date of Lodging means the date this Decree is filed for lodging with the Clerk of the Court for the United States District Court for the District of Colorado.

  • Transportation means any land, sea or air conveyance required to Transport the Insured during an Emergency Evacuation. Transportation includes, but is not limited to, air ambulances, land ambulances and private motor vehicles.

  • Reasonable and Customary Charges means the charges for services or supplies, which are the standard charges for the specific provider and consistent with the prevailing charges in the geographical area for identical or similar services, taking into account the nature of the illness / injury involved.

  • professional association means a self-regulatory organization of engineers, geoscientists or both engineers and geoscientists that

  • Travel means all travel required to complete the tasks identified in the Scope of Work. Travel includes in-state and out-of-state travel, and travel to conferences. PIER natural gas funds should be limited to lodging and any form of transportation (e.g., airfare, rental car, public transit, parking, mileage). Use of match funds for out-of-state travel and travel to conferences is encouraged because the Energy Commission might not approve the use of its funds for such travel. If an applicant plans to travel to conferences, including registration fees, they must use match funds. Applicants should be aware of all state and shall adhere to travel restrictions of using state funds to travel to certain other states pursuant to AB 1887 (2016) and codified at California Government Code Section 11139.8. Applicants should be aware and adhere to specific travel restrictions when using state funds for travel to other states pursuant to AB 1887 (2016) and codified at California Government Code Section 11139.8. All applicants are encouraged to go to the Attorney General’s website for a current list of states subject to travel restrictions. Grants awarded under this solicitation shall not contain travel paid for with Commission funds (applicants can instead use match funds) to the listed states unless the Commission approves in writing that the trip falls within one of the exceptions under the law.

  • Lodging means living accommodations available to the employee for full-time occupancy which are adequate, decent, and sanitary according to usual and customary standards. Employees shall not be required to share a bed.

  • Industry means those parties involved in the generation, transmission, distribution and retailing of electricity in New Zealand;

  • Automobile service station means a building or structure or part thereof open to the public where motor vehicles are washed, serviced, repaired, fueled, leased, sold or displayed and may include, but are not limited to a gas bar, car wash, body shop or general or specialty repair shops;

  • Standard Services means the standard Services referred to in Schedule 1 (Services) of this Framework Agreement;

  • Transportation Services means travel assistance given to an individual

  • Professional means an Entity: (a) employed pursuant to a Bankruptcy Court order in accordance with sections 327, 363, or 1103 of the Bankruptcy Code and to be compensated for services rendered prior to or on the Confirmation Date, pursuant to sections 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, and 363 of the Bankruptcy Code; or (b) awarded compensation and reimbursement by the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to section 503(b)(4) of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Professional counseling means the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of behavioral health conditions by a licensed professional counselor.

  • Paraprofessional means a person who does not have an academic degree related to the scope of treatment or support services being provided but performs prescribed functions under the general supervision of that discipline.

  • Usual and Customary Charges means those comparable charges for similar treatment, services and supplies in the geographic area where treatment is performed.

  • Professional Sports means a sport, which would remunerate a player in excess of 50% of his or her annual income as a means of their livelihood.

  • Meal means an adequate, well-balanced serving of a variety of wholesome, nutritious foods.

  • Professional solicitor means any person who, for a financial or other consideration, solicits

  • City Policies means any or all (as the context requires) of those procedures, standards and/or standard specifications, requirements, policies and the like listed in Schedule H or notified to the Supplier from time to time, as the same may be updated, modified, expanded, revised, supplemented and/or replaced from time to time by the City (as notified to the Supplier);

  • International air transportation means transportation by air between a place in the United States and a place outside the United States or between two places both of which are outside the United States.

  • Automobile means any self-propelled land motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer (including machinery, apparatus, or equipment attached thereto) which is principally designed and is being used for transportation of persons or property on public roads.

  • Companies means Borrower and its Subsidiaries; and “Company” shall mean any one of them.