Daily log definition
Examples of Daily log in a sentence
Daily log sheets signed by BHEL engineer and indicating the details of work carried out, man-hours etc.
Any student who fails to complete ALL DataARC assignments (Time clock, Daily log, Affective evaluation, Daily evaluation, Clinical Instructor and Clinical Site Evaluation, etc.) will NOT be allowed to register in the subsequent/following semester(s) and will receive a “I’ for incomplete on the overall course grade.
The awarded vendor shall provide the following daily documentation to ODOT.- Daily logs of drilling fluid pressure, flow rates, and grouting pressure- Certify that each weld is complete, water-tight and continuous.- Daily log of quantities and materials- Daily log of personnel and equipment on project, including hours of operation/idle time.- Monitor, document, and notify ODOT of any issues during the jacking or boring operations.
Daily log sheets and radiographs must not contain patient identifiers.
The daily log sheet must have clearly mentioned the date, time, name of the worker and should be verified by the supervisor on daily basis. Daily log sheet of the area other than washroom must be placed at some appropriate location at the office.