Data Categories definition
Examples of Data Categories in a sentence
The transferred Personal Data typically relates to the following categories of data: name, phone numbers, e-mail address, address data, system access / usage / authorization data, company name, contract data, invoice data, plus any application-specific data that Authorized Users transferred or entered into the Cloud Service.3.3. Special Data Categories (if agreed)3.3.1. The transferred Personal Data may comprise special categories of personal data set out in the Agreement (“Sensitive Data”).
Nature of processing Purpose of Processing Type of Personal Data Categories of data subject Automated and manual collection, structuring, use, storage and retrieval of personal data, accessing personal data.
This specification platform should be coupled with a reference set of descriptors that should be used to parameterize specific applications dealing with content.A metamodel contains several information units related to a given format, which are referred to as "Data Categories".
Data Categories: The following data are kept in the TSEK File: a.
Dataset Classification Location Stored Purpose of Processing Lawful Basis for Processing Categories of Personal Data Categories of RecipientsNote: these suggested retention periods apply to unsuccessful candidates only.
Categories of Personal Data Categories of personal data set out under Section 2.3 of the Data Processing Agreement to which the Clauses are attached.
Personal Data Categories: Personal Data: Name, email address, postal address, GMC number, profession (GP, Hospital consultant etc.), specialty, place of qualification, year of qualification, age, sex.
Figure 8-6: Education Unit Profile: Data Categories After clicking the See Data hyperlink, data are displayed for each combination of permitted values in the selected category set.
Table 3—Summary of Final Confidentiality Determinations for Supplier Data Categories a Under CAA section 114, emission data is not entitled to confidential treatment.
Once the Terms of Use are accepted, the server starts periodically collecting the data specified in point 5.3 Data Categories and Objectives.Device data history is stored for 1 month.After that, the data is safely and carefully deleted unless it is anonymized or there are other reasons and legal basis for extended storage.