Data protection by design definition
Examples of Data protection by design in a sentence
Data protection by design and by default is a key element of the UK GDPR’s risk-based approach and its focus on accountability.
Data protection by design (DPbD), as enshrined as a legal norm in Article 25 of the GDPR, requires that audio-and video- based technologies for AAL are conceived with the fundamental principles set out in the GDPR in mind.
Data protection by design (also called ‘privacy by design’) is an approach to projects and initiatives involving personal data that is intended to incorporate data protection compliance from the start, rather than considering it as an after-thought.
Data protection by design is a measure aimed at reducing the risks of infringements of the data protection legislation.
Data protection by design shall have particular regard to the entire lifecycle management of personal data from collection to processing to deletion, systematically focusing on comprehensive procedural safeguards regarding the accuracy, confidentiality, integrity, physical security and deletion of personal data.