Debris waste definition

Debris waste means wastes resulting from land clearing operations. Debris wastes include but are not limited to stumps, wood, brush, leaves, soil and road spoils.
Debris waste means Solid Waste resulting from land-clearing operations. Debris Waste includes, but is not limited to, stumps, wood, brush, leaves, soil, and road spoils.
Debris waste means wastes resulting from land clearing operations.

Examples of Debris waste in a sentence

  • LITTER - Debris, waste paper, branches detached from trees and shrubs, beverage containers, dead birds, dead animals etc.

  • Debris, waste, or unused construction materials shall not be left under, in, or about the Project, nor allowed to accumulate on the Site or in the working area.

  • LITTER - Debris, waste paper, rags, dust, dirt, beverage containers, trash etc.

  • Debris/ waste materials shall be removed from the premises periodically during the progress of the work.

  • Debris, waste and loose material or any other FOD (including dust and dirt) capable of causing damage to aircraft landing gear, propellers or being ingested in jet engines shall not be allowed on active aircraft movement areas or adjacent infield areas.

More Definitions of Debris waste

Debris waste means wastes resulting from land-clearing operations. Debris Wastes include, but are not limited to stumps, wood, brush, leaves, soil, and road spoils.
Debris waste means stumps, wood, brush, and leaves from land clearing operations.
Debris waste means stumps, wood, brush, and leaves waste resulting from land clearing operations. Debris wastes include, but are not limited to, stumps, wood, brush, leaves, soil, and road spoils.
Debris waste means inert solid wastes such as stumps, wood chips, brush, leaves from land clearing operations brick and' block.
Debris waste means that portion of the solid waste stream consisting of tree stumps, logs, tree prunings, woody brush, leaves and minimal soil and rock materials that are usually, but not always, generated by land-clearing activities (arboreal wastes).
Debris waste means wastes resulting from land clearing operations. Debris wastes include